How to achieve a right-to-left Flyout menu using the .NET MAUI Shell App project?

Riziq Hashem 0 Reputation points

I am currently working on a project using .NET MAUI Shell App template. As part of this project, I need to implement a right-to-left (RTL) Flyout menu to better cater to RTL languages. Despite various attempts to achieve this, I have not been successful.

Here is a brief overview of my current setup:

Project Template: .NET MAUI Shell App

Objective: Implement a Flyout menu that slides out from the right, supporting RTL layout,

Platform Targets: Android and iOS

I've attempted to use the FlowDirection="RightToLeft" attribute within the Shell, as shown below:

<Shell xmlns=""


While this successfully reverses my content's flow, it doesn't affect the Flyout menu which still slides from the left. I'm aiming to have the Flyout emerge from the right.

Could you please provide guidance or a working example of how to achieve a right-to-left Flyout menu using the .NET MAUI Shell App project? Any insights or recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your support.

Best regards,

A Microsoft open-source framework for building native device applications spanning mobile, tablet, and desktop.
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