I have made these changes and still am having no success.
The plugin worked previously on a (now-decommissioned) server 2012r2 NPS server - the only thing that has changed is the new NPS server (2019), running identical policies, registered in AD, etc, etc!
I have since removed the NPS MFA extension from the new server and tried setting up NPS on another 2012r2 server that is still in use. I have imported the same policies as found on the original (fully functional) server.
RDS connects perfectly without the NPS MFA Extension installed.
Once installed, I am receiving the MFA challenge via app notification - I am approving this and again, am receiving an error. The event viewer is recording the following for my connection attempt:
"NPS Extension for Azure MFA: CID: ~redacted~ : Access Accepted for user ~redacted~ with Azure MFA response: Success and message: session ~redacted~"
NPS log file:
<Event><Timestamp data_type="4">11/24/2020 22:48:23.355</Timestamp><Computer-Name data_type="1">~name redacted~</Computer-Name><Event-Source data_type="1">IAS</Event-Source><Class data_type="1">311 1 ~IP redacted~ 11/24/2020 22:48:03 3</Class><MS-Extended-Quarantine-State data_type="0">0</MS-Extended-Quarantine-State><MS-Quarantine-State data_type="0">0</MS-Quarantine-State><MS-Link-Drop-Time-Limit data_type="0">120</MS-Link-Drop-Time-Limit><MS-Link-Utilization-Threshold data_type="0">50</MS-Link-Utilization-Threshold><Client-IP-Address data_type="3">~redacted~</Client-IP-Address><Client-Vendor data_type="0">0</Client-Vendor><Client-Friendly-Name data_type="1">RDS Gateway</Client-Friendly-Name><Proxy-Policy-Name data_type="1">Use Windows authentication for all users</Proxy-Policy-Name><Provider-Type data_type="0">1</Provider-Type><SAM-Account-Name data_type="1">~redacted~</SAM-Account-Name><NP-Policy-Name data_type="1">RDG_CAP</NP-Policy-Name><Quarantine-Update-Non-Compliant data_type="0">1</Quarantine-Update-Non-Compliant><Framed-Protocol data_type="0">1</Framed-Protocol><Service-Type data_type="0">2</Service-Type><Fully-Qualifed-User-Name data_type="1">~redacted~</Fully-Qualifed-User-Name><Authentication-Type data_type="0">8</Authentication-Type><Packet-Type data_type="0">2</Packet-Type><Reason-Code data_type="0">0</Reason-Code></Event>
The error that I am receiving in the RDS client is 0x3000001c.
The RDS Gateway records the following error:
The user "~redacted", on client computer "redacted", did not meet connection authorization policy requirements and was therefore not authorized to access the RD Gateway server. The authentication method used was: "NTLM" and connection protocol used: "HTTP". The following error occurred: "23003".
And just to reiterate, the MFA Extension Troubleshooting script passes all tests, with the extension removed, RDS connects as expected, and I have the notification method configured for my account.