Hi,@Rising Flight
Thanks for posting your question in the Microsoft Q&A forum.
Here are my recommendations on how to turn on Microsoft Loop in Outlook and Teams.
1.First you must be an M365 administrator. If you want to enable Microsoft Loop for all members, you can log in to the M365 center and go to Setting->Org Setting->Microsoft Loop.
There is a certain delay in opening the loop component, and it is recommended to wait for 24 hours.
If you want to enable the Loop component for specific groups, you can create a cloud policy.
You can refer to this URL for details: Learn how to enable the Microsoft Loop app, now in Public Preview - Microsoft Community Hub
2.To enable Loop components in Teams, you need to connect to SharePoint and run Set-SPOTenant -IsLoopEnabled $true.
You can refer to this URL for details:https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/loop/loop-components-configuration?view=o365-worldwide#settings-management-for-loop-functionality-in-teams
If my answer is helpful to you, please mark it as the answer so that other users can refer to it. Thank you for your support and understanding.