How to extract URL link from email body using Azure Logic Apps
I have been trying to figure this one out for over last three weeks, and I asked/posted question to the Azure Logic Apps community, but I did not get the solution yet.
So, I am posting here again.
This is summary of my previous post.
Here was my first attempt by following/reading this post:
So, it appears my pipeline passed until 2nd step (Get emails (V3)), but when it hit the JavaScript Code area, it says "Cannot read property 'body' of undefined".
- I got a suggestion to try "var text = workflowContext.actions.Get_emails_(V3).outputsbody.
- When I tried that, I got an error saying "Get_emails_' referenced by 'inputs' in action 'Execute_JavaScript_Code' are not defined in the template.'"
- I got a next suggestion to use Regex code like this (on the bottom).
- Also, I got a suggestion to use "When a new email arrives (V3)" instead of "Get emails (V3)" for the second step.
But, I was not able to find "When a new email arrives (V3)" from my Azure Logic App options.
- I tried with the Regex code, and I got this error ('Cannot read property 'body' of undefined'):
How do I fix to error "Cannot read property 'body' of undefined"?
Thank you!
Azure Logic Apps
SwathiDhanwada-MSFT • 18,806 Reputation points
2024-06-14T07:36:29.28+00:00 @King Java Thanks for reaching out. I am checking into it and will provide an update soon.
SwathiDhanwada-MSFT • 18,806 Reputation points
2024-06-18T09:41:18+00:00 @King Java Based on the information provided, I have tested your scenario from my end. Here are the respective details.
- you have mentioned the format of the string to be as shown below.
- I have sent an email with link directly for testing purpose in below format.
- In my scenario, whenever a mail is sent to folder, the logic app automatically triggers.
- From the output of the "When a new email arrives (V3)" action, I have written below code to verify the regex match.
For regex creation , I have used third party tool In similar pattern, based on your requirement, you can create the regex pattern.const jsonString = workflowContext.trigger.outputs.body.bodyPreview; const jsonObject = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(jsonString)) const regex = /originalsrc=\\"https:\/\/portal\.carefeed\.com\/report\/emailReport\?details=[0-9a-fA-F-]{36}\\"/; // Perform the match const match = jsonObject.match(regex); // Check if there was a match and print it if (match) { return "Matched" } else { return "No Match" }
Here is my sample logic app code for your reference. Kindly customize it based on your requirement.
{ "definition": { "$schema": "", "actions": { "Execute_JavaScript_Code": { "inputs": { "code": "\r\n\r\nconst jsonString = workflowContext.trigger.outputs.body.bodyPreview;\r\nconst jsonObject = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(jsonString))\r\nconst regex = /originalsrc=\\\\\"https:\\/\\/portal\\.carefeed\\.com\\/report\\/emailReport\\?details=[0-9a-fA-F-]{36}\\\\\"/;\r\n\r\n// Perform the match\r\nconst match = jsonObject.match(regex);\r\n\r\n// Check if there was a match and print it\r\nif (match) {\r\n return \"Matched\"\r\n} else {\r\n return \"No Match\"\r\n}\r\n \r\n\r\n" }, "runAfter": {}, "type": "JavaScriptCode" } }, "contentVersion": "", "outputs": {}, "parameters": { "$connections": { "defaultValue": {}, "type": "Object" } }, "triggers": { "When_a_new_email_arrives_(V3)": { "inputs": { "fetch": { "method": "get", "pathTemplate": { "template": "/v3/Mail/OnNewEmail" }, "queries": { "fetchOnlyWithAttachment": false, "folderPath": "Id::AAMkADExZTRjNDJmLTMwNzktNGM4ZC05YThmLTQ5NWMwODk0ZGQxMwAuAAAAAABrSNp1lgosTJyDa_IAMdNMAQAMlk7ChMbeS7yA0c_URndrAAOD5QzHAAA=", "importance": "Any", "includeAttachments": false } }, "host": { "connection": { "name": "@parameters('$connections')['office365']['connectionId']" } }, "subscribe": { "body": { "NotificationUrl": "@{listCallbackUrl()}" }, "method": "post", "pathTemplate": { "template": "/GraphMailSubscriptionPoke/$subscriptions" }, "queries": { "fetchOnlyWithAttachment": false, "folderPath": "Id::AAMkADExZTRjNDJmLTMwNzktNGM4ZC05YThmLTQ5NWMwODk0ZGQxMwAuAAAAAABrSNp1lgosTJyDa_IAMdNMAQAMlk7ChMbeS7yA0c_URndrAAOD5QzHAAA=", "importance": "Any" } } }, "metadata": { "Id::AAMkADExZTRjNDJmLTMwNzktNGM4ZC05YThmLTQ5NWMwODk0ZGQxMwAuAAAAAABrSNp1lgosTJyDa_IAMdNMAQAMlk7ChMbeS7yA0c_URndrAAOD5QzHAAA=": "Azure SDK" }, "splitOn": "@triggerBody()?['value']", "type": "ApiConnectionNotification" } } }, "parameters": { "$connections": { "value": { "office365": { "connectionId": "/subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/Integration/providers/Microsoft.Web/connections/office365", "connectionName": "office365", "id": "/subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/providers/Microsoft.Web/locations/eastus/managedApis/office365" } } } } }
- you have mentioned the format of the string to be as shown below.
King Java • 665 Reputation points
2024-06-18T22:59:23.06+00:00 I am getting this error.
I think this happens because I have another trigger "Recurrence" before "When a new email arrives (V3)".
Is it right?
SwathiDhanwada-MSFT • 18,806 Reputation points
2024-06-19T03:57:12.8733333+00:00 @King Java Have you used any other triggers other than "'When a new email arrives (V3)" trigger?
King Java • 665 Reputation points
2024-06-19T04:53:26.63+00:00 @SwathiDhanwada-MSFT Only trigger that I used was "Recurrence". Please see my other comment on top of yours as I was trying to save earlier and it just got saved.
SwathiDhanwada-MSFT • 18,806 Reputation points
2024-06-19T05:07:10.02+00:00 @King Java The error has happened due to multiple triggers. You can remove recurrence trigger and just use "When a new email arrives (V3)" trigger. When you get new email , the logic app automatically triggers.
King Java • 665 Reputation points
2024-06-19T16:57:33.29+00:00 @SwathiDhanwada-MSFT The Logic App went without error for the first time, but there is no match.
I am not sure whether Regex is the issue.
Can you please verify this URL again? I modified little bit for confidentiality.
Bottom is link:
Bottom is Regex that I put it inside the code:
const regex = /originalsrc=\\"https:\/\/portal\.carefeed\.com\/test\/reports\/report\/emailReport\?details=[0-9a-fA-F-]{36}\\"/;
SwathiDhanwada-MSFT • 18,806 Reputation points
2024-06-20T05:30:14.2333333+00:00 @King Java You can verify whether the regex is correct or not using
Indeed the url link and regex provided by you is not matched. Here is screenshot for the same.
Here is modified regex for the same where its matched.
Modified regex :
King Java • 665 Reputation points
2024-06-21T17:57:25.2933333+00:00 I modified the Regex last night, but still there is no output.
I think the URL portion to retrieve is wrong.
If I copied and pasted the email message to HTML, I get different URL output.
Bottom is part of email that has URL link:
Bottom is HTML code where top portion is indicated (after I convert from Email to HTML):
Click the link below to view your Admissions/Readmissions Report.
<a data-auth="Verified" rel="noopener noreferrer"
amp;sdata=ZKQyjmggffneNGOa5xOw2pLmi1hrlFQcPJ09T%2FGA53Y%3D&reserved=0" data-linkindex="1" style="border: 0px; font: inherit; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;">
View Admissions/Readmissions Report results
Is it possible to have a meeting with you separately?
I have done this before with other Microsoft engineers.
I am in PST time zone, but I could work around your availability, no problem.
King Java • 665 Reputation points
2024-06-25T22:11:53.2533333+00:00 @SwathiDhanwada-MSFT I would like to follow up. Thank you.
SwathiDhanwada-MSFT • 18,806 Reputation points
2024-06-26T10:33:23.9766667+00:00 @King Java Kindly note that do not share any PII data on the public forum ( like subscription ID, etc) . For now, I have deleted it from your comment.
If you have a support plan, you may file azure support ticket to receive immediate and dedicated assistance on this issue. If you have already created a support ticket, please share the #SR details, I'll track this internally.
King Java • 665 Reputation points
2024-06-26T18:04:40.7366667+00:00 I am sorry about that.
I did not know that Azure subscription info is PII data.
For sure, next time, I would not post that info here.
I just created a Azure Support ticket (Case 2406260010003975), and mentioned your name.
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