There is a command line tool I've not used it but info is here:
It's called copyto-vhd
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Does anybody know what of the best way to migrate existing roaming profiles to FSLogix? Is there a method I can use to convert the roaming profiles (currently on a file sever) to VHDX? Or do I just have to go down the route of new profiles in the FSLogix containers - thanks
There is a command line tool I've not used it but info is here:
It's called copyto-vhd
Using the non-supported tool from Microsoft will give you headaches. The ACLICL part of the file does not work all the time.
Change :
Main Functions\Convert-RoamingProfile.ps1
Replace lines 198 to 208 with this block :
It's NOT perfect, but it solved the issue for me
try {
$UserID = $env:userdomain + "\" + ($P).Username
$ownerObj = New-Object System.Security.Principal.Ntaccount($UserID)
$AccessRules = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule
$Permissions = "system:fullControl,Administrators:FullControl," + $UserID + ":FullControl"
ForEach ($Perm in $Permissions.Split(","))
{ $Group = $Perm.Split(":")[0]
$Level = $Perm.Split(":")[1]
$AccessRules += New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($Group,$Level, "ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit", "None", "Allow")
$acl = get.acl ($Destination)
$acl | setAcl ($acl)
Write-Log "Permissions "
Write-Log $acl
$AccessRules | set-Acl $Destination