Why do Pods fail to mount PersistentVolumes that were just created by the StorageClass provisioner?

Fiderer, Christian 0 Reputation points

When creating PersistentVolumeClaims for storage classes provisioned by disk.csi.azure.com, the generated PersistentVolumes are bound immediately, but they are not available when starting Pods that use them. I get events like:

Warning FailedAttachVolume pod/diag-managed AttachVolume.Attach failed for volume "pvc-e63a92ef-f128-448a-bd0a-825a6aa1f5e5" : rpc error: code = Internal desc = Attach volume /subscriptions/3a9986fa-8e53-4d17-98fc-3ddf4042818b/resourceGroups/mc_cnf-ji2249-rg_cnf-ji2249_westeurope/providers/Microsoft.Compute/disks/pvc-e63a92ef-f128-448a-bd0a-825a6aa1f5e5 to instance aks-default-20624410-vmss000000 failed with could not find disk(/subscriptions/3a9986fa-8e53-4d17-98fc-3ddf4042818b/resourcegroups/mc_cnf-ji2249-rg_cnf-ji2249_westeurope/providers/microsoft.compute/disks/pvc-e63a92ef-f128-448a-bd0a-825a6aa1f5e5) in current disk list(len: 0) nor in diskMap(map[])

What is the reason for these errors?

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