"Internal system error" when scanning Snowflake in Purview

Arjun Rajagopal 0 Reputation points


I've set up a scan for Snowflake database in Purview following the steps . The scan fails when I run it, though, with the following error message:

Internal system error. Please contact support with correlationId:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx System Error, contact support: (119) System error while attempting to launch datascan process. ActivityId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx )

I'm not sure what is causing this error, and what needs to be done to resolve it. Could you provide some guidance, please?

Additional notes:

  • I've verified that all the prerequisites were met
  • I've deleted and re-created the scan, but still receive the same error message
Microsoft Purview
Microsoft Purview
A Microsoft data governance service that helps manage and govern on-premises, multicloud, and software-as-a-service data. Previously known as Azure Purview.
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