Hi @Vimal Patel , welcome to Microsoft Q&A forum.
If we directly use the GetCurrentDateTime() function it will return the time stamp as well and your query would not work for full day depending upon time. You can use below query. Here we are forming the date part and then comparing it with the date property.
SELECT * FROM c WHERE (c["createdAt"] > DateTimeAdd("dd", -3, DateTimeFromParts(DateTimePart("YYYY", GetCurrentDateTime ()), DateTimePart("MM", GetCurrentDateTime ()), DateTimePart("DD", GetCurrentDateTime ())))) and
c["createdAt"] < DateTimeFromParts(DateTimePart("YYYY", GetCurrentDateTime ()), DateTimePart("MM", GetCurrentDateTime ()), DateTimePart("DD", GetCurrentDateTime ()))
Its a long query and to shorten it we can also create a UDF and call it to do the same.
Please let me know if this helps or else we can work further to get it resolved.