According to this post (https://azure.microsoft.com/tr-tr/blog/a-records-cname-and-using-dns-with-windows-azure-web-sites-waws/),it is possiible to IP address of a App Service can change.
And suggested way is to use CNAME with my custom domain instead of A record which is regular way for the rest of the world.
The big problem is that; i saw many times that XYZ.azurewebsites.net can be inaccessable.
"Ping request could not find host XYZ.azurewebsites.net. Please check the name and try again."
I guess, because of this dynamic DNS management in Azure , something is changing and the cache on my enwironment is not reflecting to this change immediately. If it occures in my environment, it can occure in other environments in the world.
This is a big problem. We can overcome this case by using A record and IP address of App Service. But according to post above it can change. So what can i do. It should be simple to use a static IP address with my public web site as we do for many years. What do you think?