I ran DCDIAG across our Active Directory regional infrastructure, which includes one PDC and 10 other additional domain controllers at different sites. I received a warning: “There is less than 3% available RIDs in the current pool.”
Running DCDIAG on the other domain controllers showed no warnings and an adequate amount of the pool. I am not interested in increasing the number of the current pool, so I transferred the RID Master role to another domain controller. This resulted in no RID warnings, but the problem has not been resolved.
Below is the result of dcdiag /test:RidManager /v:
Starting test: RidManager
* Available RID Pool for the Domain is 10100 to 1073741823
* DC.Mycompany.local is the RID Master
* DsBind with RID Master was successful
* rIDAllocationPool is 5100 to 5599
* rIDPreviousAllocationPool is 1100 to 1599
* rIDNextRID: 1588
* Warning: There is less than 3% available RIDs in the current pool
I have forced replication and rebooted the domain controller, but the issue persists. Please advise me if transferring all FSMO roles to a new, fresh domain controller is a good idea, or recommend best practices.
Thank you so much.