Got an errors when trying to ask an assistant

Eugene 0 Reputation points

I already created a vector store with uploaded files, created assistant and thread to communicate with it. I can send one message without any error, but next message will not processed successfully. My message error:


  "id": "run_",

  "assistant_id": "asst_",

  "cancelled_at": null,

  "completed_at": null,

  "created_at": 1719150658,

  "expires_at": null,

  "failed_at": 1719150661,

  "incomplete_details": null,

  "instructions": "some instruction",

  "last_error": {

    "code": "server_error",

    "message": "Sorry, something went wrong."


  "max_completion_tokens": null,

  "max_prompt_tokens": null,

  "metadata": {},

  "model": "chat1",

  "object": "",

  "required_action": null,

  "response_format": "auto",

  "started_at": 1719150659,

  "status": "failed",

  "thread_id": "thread_",

  "tool_choice": "auto",

  "tools": [


      "type": "file_search"



  "truncation_strategy": {

    "type": "auto",

    "last_messages": null


  "usage": {

    "completion_tokens": 27,

    "prompt_tokens": 3582,

    "total_tokens": 3609


  "temperature": 1.0,

  "top_p": 1.0,

  "tool_resources": {}


How can I solve this problem?

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