Deny all website except Trusted Site Zone

Giovanni P 21 Reputation points

Hello Everyone,

write to ask if is possible to implement a GPO, which allow us to prevent the user to browsing on any website, except a 'Trusted Site Zone' list.

We have a domain-based environment - Client: Win10 1809 Kiosk Mode - IE 11.

Thanks in advance,
Kind Regards

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Accepted answer
  1. Vicky Wang 2,646 Reputation points

    Open up Group Policy Management Console (GPMC).
    Create a New Group Policy Object and name it Restrict Internet Access.
    Edit and navigate to: User Configuration -> Preferences -> Windows Settings -> Registry and create a New Registry Item.
    There are 4 registry items we need to create/update: ProxyEnable, ProxyServer, ProxyOverride, AutoDetect

    Hope this information can help you
    Best wishes

2 additional answers

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  1. Vicky Wang 2,646 Reputation points

    Thank you for posting in our forum
    Internet Explorer has simple but serviceable cookie controls. There are two main areas we’re interested in: managing site status and toggling the cookie acceptance. First let’s look at how to whitelist a site. Click on Tools [the gear icon in the corner on newer versions] > Internet Options > Privacy > Sites. Here you’ll find the Per Site Privacy Actions menu, which allows you to white or black list web sites.
    Manually entering every site you’d like to whitelist is a bit on the kludgy side, so we’re going to semi-automate the process by toggling the cookie settings. Visit Tools [gear icon] > Internet Options > Privacy, and under Settings, click Advanced.


    Hope this information can help you
    Best wishes

  2. Vicky Wang 2,646 Reputation points

    Thank you for the update.
    According to my knowledge, with proxy settings is a safer way.
    Recommend you to use this method
    Hope this information can help you
    Best wishes