[MSGRAPHAPI] Shared calendar not showing all updates and/or attachments

Maurits van Rijnen 0 Reputation points

We have a service which is using the graph api.

When we add an event with this service in a shared calendar the following happens:
(the event has about 5 attachments)

(Guest - the one who is using the shared calendar from the owner)

  • The first created item is visible in the shared calendar (as in the owner as in the guests calendar)
  • The first added attachment is visible in the shared calendar (as in the owner as in the guests calendar)
  • The other attachments are not visible in the guest calendar.

After this, when we edit the event in the owners calendar, the changes are note available in the guest calendar.

Furthermore we noticed when sharing calendars, the items which are in the calendar before the sharing are not visible in the guests calendar ?

Microsoft Graph
Microsoft Graph
A Microsoft programmability model that exposes REST APIs and client libraries to access data on Microsoft 365 services.
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