@KARINA Did you get a chance to see Satish response? Please share the requested information to help you further. Meanwhile, please check the below steps and see if it helps to resolve the issue.
You'll need the following permissions in the Azure tenant to install Azure FarmBeats:
- Tenant - AAD app creator
- Subscription - Owner
- Resource Group in which FarmBeats is being installed - Owner
The first two permissions are needed for creating the AAD application step. If needed, you can get someone with the appropriate permissions to create the AAD application.
The person running the FarmBeats install from marketplace needs to be an owner of the Resource Group in which FarmBeats is being installed. For subscription owners, this happens automatically when Resource Group is created. For others, please pre-create the Resource Group and ask the Subscription owner to make you an owner of the Resource Group.
You can verify your access permissions in the Azure portal by following the instructions on Azure role-based access control.
Please see the documentation Install Azure FarmBeats for more detailed steps.
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