Hop this works for you.
#Combin 1.csv and 2.csv into 3.csv
$FilePath1 = "D:\1.csv"
$FilePath2 = "D:\2.csv"
$FilePath3 = "D:\3.csv"
$users = Import-Csv -Path $FilePath1
$properties = ($users|Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty)
Import-Csv -Path $FilePath2|ForEach-Object{
foreach($user in $users){
if($_.mailaddress -eq $user.mailaddress){
foreach($property in $properties){
if($property.Name -ne "mailaddress"){
$_ | Add-Member -NotePropertyName $property.Name -NotePropertyValue $user.($property.Name)}
$newuser +=$_
$newuser|Export-Csv -Path $FilePath3 -NoTypeInformation
Best Regards,
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