Hello everyone
I have the following code:
Dim Fechini As Date
Dim Fechfin As Date
Fechini = Format(DateTimePickerDesde.Value, "dd/MM/yyyy")
Fechfin = Format(DateTimePickerHasta.Value, "dd/MM/yyyy")
If CboBuscarConsultaPrestamo.Text = "INGRESOS ANULADOS" Then
Using cn As New SqlConnection(cadenaConexion)
Dim consultaSQL As String = " Select INGRESO.NumeroReciboIngreso as Codigo_Ingresos,INGRESO.FechaRegistro as fecha_registro,INGRESO.CodigoCliente as Codigo_cliente, CLI.nom_cli as Nombre, CLI.apell_cli as Apellido,INGRESO.TotalesBalanceFactura as Totales_BalanceFactura, INGRESO.TotalesAbono as Totales_Abono from TblaRecibosIngresosss INGRESO LEFT JOIN tbla_clientes CLI ON INGRESO.CodigoCliente=CLI.codigo_cliente where INGRESO.FechaRegistro BETWEEN ('" & Fechini & "') AND ('" & Fechfin & "') and INGRESO.estatus = " & "'CANCELADA'" & " "
Dim adap As New SqlDataAdapter(consultaSQL, cn)
Dim dt As New DataTable()
DgvConsultaCobranza.DataSource = dt
End Using
End If
If Val(TxtTotalPrestamoConsulta.Text) = 0 Then
MsgBox("Datos no encontrado")
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
When I execute the query in SQL Server locally it doesn't give me errors, everything is fine, excellent.
But when I run the query using SQL Server Azure, I get the following error.
I count on your help.....