Have you assigned the policies and apps to the device group? Or are you mixing groups? See https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/mem/intune/configuration/device-profile-assign#user-groups-vs-device-groups
Applying Intune configs to machines rather than users
We are looking to use Intune & Autopilot to generate 'hot spare' machines. For the testing stage, we had a test user (Tom.Autopilot) assigned to a machine.
That user was in a group call (AP_WindowsHotspare) which had all the policies, apps and bits needed for the hot spare. The IT Management does not want the end user to be in the group and the machines instead.
I have made a group that (AP_WindowsHotspareD) which is a dynamic group that picks up autopilot machines. This group is in the same potions as AP_WindowsHotspare but it is not getting any apps , deployment profile or enrolment status page.
The user being signed in has an Enterprise Mobility + Security E3.
Please can you advise why the machine is not getting the configurations but does when the user is in the group, it works.