How to use/pass comparison query operators (like Greater Than $gt/Less Than or Equal To $lte, etc) in Filter condition in Source Dataset of Azure COSMOS for Mongo DB in the COPY activity?
Astha Chaturvedi
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Hello Team,
I am sourcing data from Azure COSMOS DB for Mongo DB and load the same to Azure SQL Server DB. The data has to be read/loaded incrementally from source in every run based on a Date column.
Could you please help me on how I can pass/use the comparison query operators (like Greater Than $gt/Less Than or Equal To $lte, etc) in Filter condition in Source Dataset of Azure COSMOS for Mongo DB in the COPY activity in order to read the incremental data in every run based on aCOSMOS_SourceDS_FilterCondition.jpg date column?
Thank you
Astha Chaturvedi
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