manage-bde-status is not right here as it only lists bitlocked drives but not drives with .bek files (B itlocker E ncryption K ey).
What you could do: deploy a scheduled task that runs 5 minutes after logon and looks for .bek files in the root of all drives. Can you script that? If you need help, just say.
What you should do: get rid of USB startup keys. Those don't belong into the hands of ordinary users, since they allow those users to manipulate the drives, decrypt them, make themselves admin and so on. Use TPM instead. All boards 2015 and newer have onboard TPMs or at least TPM headers or fTPMS.
Edit: here's a script
$sticks=Get-WmiObject Win32_Volume -Filter "DriveType='2'"
$beks=foreach ($stick in $sticks) {gci $stick.caption*.bek -Attributes r+s+h}
if (!$beks){exit}
else {msg * /time:0 Unplug that Bitlocker stick!}