@Jeroen Burgerhout Could you go to azure resource portal https://resources.azure.com and navigate to subscriptions --> specific subscription
--> providers --> Microsoft.Web --> certificates and see if it is here and i think you can delete it from here directly.
Cannot remove certificate with thumbprint XXXX because it is used for hostname XXXX on web app XXXX
Hi all,
I want to remove an hidden resource, in this case a certificate. When I want to remove it, via the portal or via the Azure Cloud Shell, it can't be removed. Because this certificate is still "binded" to a web app, which is removed a long time ago.
PS /home/jeroen> remove-azresource -ResourceId "/subscriptions/{id}/resourceGroups/cat-rg-euw-prd-infra/providers/Microsoft.Web/certificates/{domain}-cat-rg-euw-prd-infra" -Force Remove-AzResource: {"Code":"Conflict","Message":"Cannot remove certificate with thumbprint {thumbprint} because it is used for hostname {hostname} on web app cat-rg-euw-prd-infra.","Target":null,"Details":[{"Message":"Cannot remove certificate with thumbprint {thumbprint} because it is used for hostname {hostname} on web app cat-rg-euw-prd-infra."},{"Code":"Conflict"},{"ErrorEntity":{"ExtendedCode":"04035","MessageTemplate":"Cannot remove certificate with thumbprint {0} because it is used for hostname {1} on web app {2}.","Parameters":["{thumbprint}",{hostname}","cat-rg-euw-prd-infra"],"Code":"Conflict","Message":"Cannot remove certificate with thumbprint {thumbprint} because it is used for hostname {hostname} on web app cat-rg-euw-prd-infra."}}],"Innererror":null} CorrelationId: 6583e9a3-effd-4d52-99db-98260751305c
Who can help me with this?
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SnehaAgrawal-MSFT 21,766 Reputation points