hi @Mehul Gardi
Thanks for reaching out to Microsoft Q&A.
Yes, Azure Data Factory does support dynamic expressions and you can use global parameters to pass external values into pipelines, datasets, linked services, and data flows. However, you cannot directly use global parameters in linked services or datasets. They need to be passed from the pipeline.
Here’s how you can do it:
Create a Global Parameter: You can create a global parameter in the ‘Manage’ section of Azure Data Factory
Use the Global Parameter in a Pipeline: You can use the global parameter in any pipeline expression. If a pipeline is referencing another resource such as a dataset or data flow, you can pass down the global parameter value via that resource’s parameters. The global parameters are referenced as @pipeline().globalParameters.<parameterName>
Pass the Global Parameter to Dataset and Linked Service: To use global parameters to create a linked service, you need to do it via Global parameter -> Pipeline -> Dataset -> Linked service You create a global parameter (which can be used in linked service), use it in pipeline to pass its value to dataset via dataset parameter, pass dataset parameter value to linked service parameter which can be referenced using dynamic content in Linked service
Hope this helps. if your issue doesn't resolve or if my understanding is not correct, please provide more information such as configuration details and some screenshots if possible.