Azure Iot Hub direct method send with out respone

long dao thanh 81 Reputation points

Hi Microsoft admin, i want to ask some questions about direct method of IoT hub. I am now developing a control application, write in Nodejs. I am successfully use the direct method, and i wonder if i can remove the response every time a direct method send from iot hub to device. I read document about direct method its say a full direct method operator take 2 message (request msd and respone msg). In my application, i just need the request (cloud-2-device) but not respone (device-2-cloud).
My app need low latency so i choose this method. I wonder are there any methods suitable for this project ?, one way sending with lowest latency.
Thank for your support

Azure IoT Hub
Azure IoT Hub
An Azure service that enables bidirectional communication between internet of things (IoT) devices and applications.
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Accepted answer
  1. Matthijs van der Veer 4,376 Reputation points MVP

    Instead of using a Direct Method, you can use a Cloud to Device (C2D) message instead. They don't require the device to send a response. The C2D message is designed for one-way traffic to your device, check out the table on this page on why you should consider C2D. It will have similar latency to a Direct Method.

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