How do I fix Error code: 0x80040216, when trying to add billable time to a case resolution in Dynamics Customer Service?
Nik Little
Reputation points
I am trying to build a Dynamics Customer Service environment and when trying to test out closing a case and adding time to it. It errors out any time I add billable time no matter what amount I put and gives the Error code: 0x80040216. Is there a step I am missing when adding the time fields to the case resolution form?
Exception Message: An unexpected error occurred.
ErrorCode: -2147220970
HexErrorCode: 0x80040216
[Microsoft.Dynamics.Service.Plugins: Microsoft.Dynamics.Service.Plugins.PostOperationIncidentResolutionCreate]
[84aa5de7-1ee9-4783-95aa-2bc7ecd55404: PostOperationIncidentResolutionCreate: Post Create of incidentresolution]
Entered Microsoft.Dynamics.Service.Plugins.PostOperationIncidentAssign.Execute(), Correlation Id: 932cd7a0-7408-4ec5-bfd8-45b1912bc3f2, Initiating User: 15d881dc-753f-ef11-a317-000d3a15f7bd
Exception: System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault]: An unexpected error occurred. (Fault Detail is equal to Exception details:
ErrorCode: 0x80040216
Message: An unexpected error occurred.
TimeStamp: 2024-07-17T17:35:13.7773669Z
Exception details:
ErrorCode: 0x80040216
Message: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: logger
TimeStamp: 2024-07-17T17:35:13.7773669Z
)., Correlation Id: 932cd7a0-7408-4ec5-bfd8-45b1912bc3f2, Initiating User: 15d881dc-753f-ef11-a317-000d3a15f7bd
Exiting Microsoft.Dynamics.Service.Plugins.PostOperationIncidentAssign.Execute(), Correlation Id: 932cd7a0-7408-4ec5-bfd8-45b1912bc3f2, Initiating User: 15d881dc-753f-ef11-a317-000d3a15f7bd
PII Removed. Length: 559
Activity Id: 826ac542-29b5-4da7-86ba-15de7050fc41
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