azure prononciation assessment
In azure prononciation assessment for scripted speech , why i insert a word that does not in exist in the script in my speech why i don't get that word as inserted in the result of prononciation assessment?
Azure AI Speech
Azure AI services
YutongTie-MSFT • 53,866 Reputation points
2024-07-18T00:11:25.0466667+00:00 Hello Ihed,
Do you mean you are looking at the error type in the word level but it shows none? Given below as an example in the error type -
Could you please share the input context and your JSON result ?
"Id": "bbb42ea51bdb46d19a1d685e635fe173", "RecognitionStatus": 0, "Offset": 7500000, "Duration": 13800000, "DisplayText": "Hello.", "NBest": [ { "Confidence": 0.975003, "Lexical": "hello", "ITN": "hello", "MaskedITN": "hello", "Display": "Hello.", "PronunciationAssessment": { "AccuracyScore": 100, "FluencyScore": 100, "CompletenessScore": 100, "PronScore": 100 }, "Words": [ { "Word": "hello", "Offset": 7500000, "Duration": 13800000, "PronunciationAssessment": { "AccuracyScore": 99.0, **"ErrorType": "None"** }, "Syllables": [ { "Syllable": "hɛ", "PronunciationAssessment": { "AccuracyScore": 91.0 }, "Offset": 7500000, "Duration": 4100000 }, { "Syllable": "loʊ", "PronunciationAssessment": { "AccuracyScore": 100.0 }, "Offset": 11700000, "Duration": 9600000 } ], "Phonemes": [ { "Phoneme": "h", "PronunciationAssessment": { "AccuracyScore": 98.0, "NBestPhonemes": [ { "Phoneme": "h", "Score": 100.0 }, { "Phoneme": "oʊ", "Score": 52.0 }, { "Phoneme": "ə", "Score": 35.0 }, { "Phoneme": "k", "Score": 23.0 }, { "Phoneme": "æ", "Score": 20.0 } ] }, "Offset": 7500000, "Duration": 3500000 }, { "Phoneme": "ɛ", "PronunciationAssessment": { "AccuracyScore": 47.0, "NBestPhonemes": [ { "Phoneme": "ə", "Score": 100.0 }, { "Phoneme": "l", "Score": 52.0 }, { "Phoneme": "ɛ", "Score": 47.0 }, { "Phoneme": "h", "Score": 17.0 }, { "Phoneme": "æ", "Score": 2.0 } ] }, "Offset": 11100000, "Duration": 500000 }, { "Phoneme": "l", "PronunciationAssessment": { "AccuracyScore": 100.0, "NBestPhonemes": [ { "Phoneme": "l", "Score": 100.0 }, { "Phoneme": "oʊ", "Score": 46.0 }, { "Phoneme": "ə", "Score": 5.0 }, { "Phoneme": "ɛ", "Score": 3.0 }, { "Phoneme": "u", "Score": 1.0 } ] }, "Offset": 11700000, "Duration": 1100000 }, { "Phoneme": "oʊ", "PronunciationAssessment": { "AccuracyScore": 100.0, "NBestPhonemes": [ { "Phoneme": "oʊ", "Score": 100.0 }, { "Phoneme": "d", "Score": 29.0 }, { "Phoneme": "t", "Score": 24.0 }, { "Phoneme": "n", "Score": 22.0 }, { "Phoneme": "l", "Score": 18.0 } ] }, "Offset": 12900000, "Duration": 8400000 } ] } ] } ]
Iheb Jandoubi • 25 Reputation points
2024-07-18T09:56:40.6666667+00:00 @YutongTie-MSFT let's take the following script : "life is beautiful" in the speech the user said "life is magnificient" in the json result in the word level : i don't get magnificient error INSERTED and i get beautiful error : omnission (which is obivious) this is the json :
[ { "Id": "1463e36a1cf84134b5658939a3d267ba", "RecognitionStatus": 0, "Offset": 3600000, "Duration": 14400000, "Channel": 0, "DisplayText": "Life is beautiful.", "SNR": 34.084476, "NBest": [ { "Confidence": 0.8474877, "Lexical": "life is beautiful", "ITN": "life is beautiful", "MaskedITN": "life is beautiful", "Display": "Life is beautiful.", "PronunciationAssessment": { "AccuracyScore": 63, "FluencyScore": 51, "ProsodyScore": 69.9, "CompletenessScore": 67, "PronScore": 60.4 }, "Words": [ { "Word": "life", "Offset": 3600000, "Duration": 5000000, "PronunciationAssessment": { "AccuracyScore": 100, "ErrorType": "None", "Feedback": { "Prosody": { "Break": { "ErrorTypes": [ "None" ], "BreakLength": 0 }, "Intonation": { "ErrorTypes": [], "Monotone": { "SyllablePitchDeltaConfidence": 0.343404 } } } } }, "Syllables": [ { "Syllable": "laɪf", "Grapheme": "life", "PronunciationAssessment": { "AccuracyScore": 100 }, "Offset": 3600000, "Duration": 5000000 } ], "Phonemes": [ { "Phoneme": "l", "PronunciationAssessment": { "AccuracyScore": 100, "NBestPhonemes": [ { "Phoneme": "l", "Score": 100 }, { "Phoneme": "aɪ", "Score": 24 }, { "Phoneme": "n", "Score": 5 }, { "Phoneme": "r", "Score": 3 }, { "Phoneme": "ɪ", "Score": 3 } ] }, "Offset": 3600000, "Duration": 2700000 }, { "Phoneme": "aɪ", "PronunciationAssessment": { "AccuracyScore": 100, "NBestPhonemes": [ { "Phoneme": "aɪ", "Score": 100 }, { "Phoneme": "f", "Score": 51 }, { "Phoneme": "æ", "Score": 5 }, { "Phoneme": "ɛ", "Score": 2 }, { "Phoneme": "eɪ", "Score": 1 } ] }, "Offset": 6400000, "Duration": 1100000 }, { "Phoneme": "f", "PronunciationAssessment": { "AccuracyScore": 100, "NBestPhonemes": [ { "Phoneme": "f", "Score": 100 }, { "Phoneme": "ɪ", "Score": 29 }, { "Phoneme": "v", "Score": 4 }, { "Phoneme": "aɪ", "Score": 4 }, { "Phoneme": "i", "Score": 2 } ] }, "Offset": 7600000, "Duration": 1000000 } ] }, { "Word": "is", "Offset": 8700000, "Duration": 2200000, "PronunciationAssessment": { "AccuracyScore": 86, "ErrorType": "None", "Feedback": { "Prosody": { "Break": { "ErrorTypes": [ "None" ], "UnexpectedBreak": { "Confidence": 3.448276e-8 }, "MissingBreak": { "Confidence": 1 }, "BreakLength": 0 }, "Intonation": { "ErrorTypes": [], "Monotone": { "SyllablePitchDeltaConfidence": 0.343404 } } } } }, "Syllables": [ { "Syllable": "ɪz", "Grapheme": "is", "PronunciationAssessment": { "AccuracyScore": 78 }, "Offset": 8700000, "Duration": 2200000 } ], "Phonemes": [ { "Phoneme": "ɪ", "PronunciationAssessment": { "AccuracyScore": 83, "NBestPhonemes": [ { "Phoneme": "ɪ", "Score": 100 }, { "Phoneme": "z", "Score": 78 }, { "Phoneme": "f", "Score": 31 }, { "Phoneme": "i", "Score": 7 }, { "Phoneme": "h", "Score": 1 } ] }, "Offset": 8700000, "Duration": 1400000 }, { "Phoneme": "z", "PronunciationAssessment": { "AccuracyScore": 69, "NBestPhonemes": [ { "Phoneme": "z", "Score": 100 }, { "Phoneme": "m", "Score": 74 }, { "Phoneme": "s", "Score": 2 }, { "Phoneme": "ə", "Score": 2 }, { "Phoneme": "n", "Score": 1 } ] }, "Offset": 10200000, "Duration": 700000 } ] }, { "Word": "beautiful", "Offset": 11000000, "Duration": 7000000, "PronunciationAssessment": { "AccuracyScore": 3, "ErrorType": "Omnission",
YutongTie-MSFT • 53,866 Reputation points
2024-07-28T00:39:06.03+00:00 Thanks for your example, we will discuss this case with product team to see how the systems will deal with it.
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