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Missing units from module in Azure AI Fundamentals learning path

Giuseppe Cespedes 0 Reputation points

At the end of the unit specified below, when I click on the 'Continue' button to move into the next unit, "Use a skillset to define an enrichment pipeline", it takes me back to the beginning of the module's overview page. I then noticed that that unit no longer exists, and instead shows "Create an index in the Azure portal" as the next unit. However, the missing unit still appears in the Module overview from the Learning Path, along with three other missing units. Have these units been removed? I need to be able to show that I've completed the AI-900 Learning Path to my employer, but it will not show as completed unless I am able to complete these units or until they are removed from the module.

  • Module: Fundamentals of Knowledge Mining and Azure AI search
  • Unit 3: Identify elements of a search solutions

See missing units in image below (those units that appear without a green checkmark next to them). This question is related to the following Learning ModuleScreenshot 2024-07-18 105110

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Azure: A cloud computing platform and infrastructure for building, deploying and managing applications and services through a worldwide network of Microsoft-managed datacenters.Training: Instruction to develop new skills.
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