Sysprep error for Windows Server 2022

JOE TAM 91 Reputation points

Dear Sir,

 We have a problem of Windows Server 2022 when performing Sysprep. Here are the Setupact.log and Setuperr.log

Is it possible to give any suggestion how to fix it.

2024-07-18 09:59:54, Info SYSPRP ========================================================

2024-07-18 09:59:54, Info SYSPRP === Beginning of a new sysprep run ===

2024-07-18 09:59:54, Info SYSPRP ========================================================

2024-07-18 09:59:54, Info [0x0f004d] SYSPRP The time is now 2024-07-18 09:59:54

2024-07-18 09:59:54, Info [0x0f004e] SYSPRP Initialized SysPrep log at C:\windows\system32\sysprep\Panther

2024-07-18 09:59:54, Info [0x0f0054] SYSPRP ValidatePrivileges:User has required privileges to sysprep machine

2024-07-18 09:59:54, Info [0x0f007c] SYSPRP FCreateTagFile:Successfully deleted tag file C:\windows\system32\sysprep\Sysprep_succeeded.tag

2024-07-18 09:59:54, Info [0x0f005f] SYSPRP ParseCommands:Found supported command line option 'QUIET'

2024-07-18 09:59:54, Info [0x0f005f] SYSPRP ParseCommands:Found supported command line option 'GENERALIZE'

2024-07-18 09:59:54, Info [0x0f005f] SYSPRP ParseCommands:Found supported command line option 'OOBE'

2024-07-18 09:59:54, Info [0x0f005f] SYSPRP ParseCommands:Found supported command line option 'REBOOT'

2024-07-18 09:59:54, Info [0x0f005f] SYSPRP ParseCommands:Found supported command line option 'UNATTEND'

2024-07-18 09:59:54, Info [0x0f00d7] SYSPRP WinMain:Pre-validing 'cleanup' internal providers.

2024-07-18 09:59:54, Info SYSPRP RunDlls:Running platform actions specified in action file for phase 3

2024-07-18 09:59:54, Info SYSPRP SysprepSession::CreateSession: Successfully created instance with action file C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\ActionFiles\Cleanup.xml, and mode <null>

2024-07-18 09:59:54, Info SYSPRP SysprepSession::Validate: Beginning action execution from C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\ActionFiles\Cleanup.xml

2024-07-18 09:59:54, Info SYSPRP SysprepSession::CreateXPathForSelection: Sysprep mode in registry is <null>

2024-07-18 09:59:54, Info SYSPRP SysprepSession::CreateXPathForSelection: Processor architecture in registry is AMD64

2024-07-18 09:59:54, Info SYSPRP ActionPlatform::LaunchModule: Executing method 'Sysprep_Clean_Validate_Opk' from C:\Windows\System32\spopk.dll

2024-07-18 09:59:54, Info CSI 00000001 Shim considered [l:126]'??\C:\Windows\Servicing\amd64_microsoft-windows-servicingstack_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.20348.2461_none_b1cf3274f985cdc9\wcp.dll' : got STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_NOT_FOUND

2024-07-18 09:59:54, Info CSI 00000002 Shim considered [l:123]'??\C:\Windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft-windows-servicingstack_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.20348.2461_none_b1cf3274f985cdc9\wcp.dll' : got STATUS_SUCCESS

2024-07-18 09:59:54, Info SYSPRP Sysprep_Clean_Validate_Opk: Successfully validated reserves state on the machine for entering audit mode.

2024-07-18 09:59:54, Info SYSPRP ActionPlatform::LaunchModule: Successfully executed 'Sysprep_Clean_Validate_Opk' from C:\Windows\System32\spopk.dll

2024-07-18 09:59:54, Info [0x0f00d7] SYSPRP WinMain:Pre-validing 'generalize' internal providers.

2024-07-18 09:59:54, Info SYSPRP RunDlls:Running platform actions specified in action file for phase 1

2024-07-18 09:59:54, Info SYSPRP SysprepSession::CreateSession: Successfully created instance with action file C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\ActionFiles\Generalize.xml, and mode <null>

2024-07-18 09:59:54, Info SYSPRP SysprepSession::Validate: Beginning action execution from C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\ActionFiles\Generalize.xml

2024-07-18 09:59:54, Info SYSPRP SysprepSession::CreateXPathForSelection: Sysprep mode in registry is <null>

2024-07-18 09:59:54, Info SYSPRP SysprepSession::CreateXPathForSelection: Processor architecture in registry is AMD64

2024-07-18 09:59:54, Info SYSPRP ActionPlatform::LaunchModule: Executing method 'SysprepGeneralizeValidate' from C:\Windows\System32\AppxSysprep.dll

2024-07-18 09:59:54, Info SYSPRP Entering SysprepGeneralizeValidate (Appx) - validating whether all apps are also provisioned.

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info SYSPRP All appx packages were verified to be inbox or alluser installed.

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info SYSPRP ActionPlatform::LaunchModule: Successfully executed 'SysprepGeneralizeValidate' from C:\Windows\System32\AppxSysprep.dll

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info [0x0f004a] SYSPRP WaitThread:Entering spawned waiting thread

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info [sysprep.exe] UnattendFindAnswerFile: Looking at explicitly provided unattend file [C:\Windows\Panther\unattend.xml]...

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info [sysprep.exe] UnattendFindAnswerFile: [C:\Windows\Panther\unattend.xml] meets criteria for an explicitly provided unattend file.

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info SYSPRP SysprepSearchForUnattend: Using unattend file at [C:\Windows\Panther\unattend.xml].

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info SYSPRP SysprepSearchForUnattend: [generalize] pass in unattend file [C:\Windows\Panther\unattend.xml] either doesn't exist or passed validation

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info SYSPRP WinMain:Found unattend file at [C:\Windows\Panther\unattend.xml]; caching...

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info SYSPRP WinMain:Processing unattend file's 'generalize' pass...

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info SYSPRP Sysprep is running a generalize pass with the following unattend file: [%windir%\panther\unattend.xml]

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info CSI 00000001@2024/7/18:01:59:55.326 WcpInitialize: wcp.dll version 10.0.20348.2461 (WinBuild.160101.0800)

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info [sysprep.exe] [Action Queue] : GenerateActionQueue begin

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info [sysprep.exe] [Action Queue] : Processing pass = generalize

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info [sysprep.exe] [Action Queue] : Generating queue file to C:\Windows\panther\actionqueue\generalize.uaq

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info [sysprep.exe] [Action Queue] : Identity 0: Microsoft-Windows-PnpSysprep, Culture=neutral, Version=10.0.20348.1, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35, ProcessorArchitecture=amd64, versionScope=NonSxS

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info [sysprep.exe] [Action Queue] : Using component order file C:\Windows\winsxs\amd64_microsoft-windows-servicingstack_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.20348.2461_none_b1cf3274f985cdc9\GlobalInstallOrder.xml

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info CSI 00000001@2024/7/18:01:59:55.326 WcpInitialize: wcp.dll version 10.0.20348.2461 (WinBuild.160101.0800)

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info [sysprep.exe] [Action Queue] : Found manifest file C:\Windows\Winsxs\Manifests\amd64_microsoft-windows-pnpsysprep_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.20348.1_none_cb2c79008018f5a1.manifest

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info [sysprep.exe] [Action Queue] : GenerateActionQueue finish (hr = 0x0)

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info [sysprep.exe] [Action Queue] : ProcessActionQueue start

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info [sysprep.exe] [Action Queue] : ProcessActionQueue using queue file C:\Windows\panther\actionqueue\generalize.uaq

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info [sysprep.exe] [Action Queue] : ProcessActionQueue finish (hr = 0x0)

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info SYSPRP RunUnattendGeneralizePass: Sysprep unattend generalize pass exits; hr = 0x0, hrResult = 0x0, bRebootRequired = 0x0

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info [0x0f00ac] SYSPRP WinMain:Processing 'cleanup' external provider request.

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info [0x0f006c] SYSPRP RunDlls:Running DLLs listed in registry for phase 3

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info [0x0f008a] SYSPRP RunRegistryDlls:Retrieved section name for this phase as Cleanup

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info [0x0f008f] SYSPRP RunRegistryDlls:Registry key is empty: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\SysPrepExternal\Cleanup

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info [0x0f00ad] SYSPRP WinMain:Processing 'generalize' extrenal provider request.

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info [0x0f006c] SYSPRP RunDlls:Running DLLs listed in registry for phase 1

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info [0x0f008a] SYSPRP RunRegistryDlls:Retrieved section name for this phase as Generalize

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info [0x0f008f] SYSPRP RunRegistryDlls:Registry key is empty: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\SysPrepExternal\Generalize

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info [0x0f003f] SYSPRP WinMain:Processing 'cleanup' internal provider request.

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info SYSPRP RunDlls:Running platform actions specified in action file for phase 3

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info SYSPRP SysprepSession::CreateSession: Successfully created instance with action file C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\ActionFiles\Cleanup.xml, and mode <null>

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info SYSPRP SysprepSession::Execute: Beginning action execution from C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\ActionFiles\Cleanup.xml

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info SYSPRP SysprepSession::CreateXPathForSelection: Sysprep mode in registry is <null>

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info SYSPRP SysprepSession::CreateXPathForSelection: Processor architecture in registry is AMD64

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info SYSPRP After sorting, components will be excuted in the following order:

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info SYSPRP Name: Microsoft-Windows-Sysprep-SpOpk, Order: 256

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info SYSPRP Name: Microsoft-Windows-SQMApi, Order: 768

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info SYSPRP Name: Microsoft-Windows-EventLog, Order: 1024

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info SYSPRP Name: Microsoft-Windows-LpkSetup, Order: 1280

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info SYSPRP Name: Microsoft-Windows-SystemMaintenanceService-Core, Order: 1536

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info SYSPRP Name: Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup, Order: 2304

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info SYSPRP Name: Microsoft-Windows-ErrorReportingCore, Order: 2560

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info SYSPRP Name: WindowsSearchEngine, Order: 2816

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info SYSPRP Name: Microsoft-Windows-IE-Sysprep, Order: 3072

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info SYSPRP Name: Microsoft-Windows-Sysprep-SpNet, Order: 3328

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info SYSPRP Name: Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler-Service, Order: 3584

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info SYSPRP Name: Microsoft-Windows-Cryptography, Order: 3840

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info SYSPRP Name: Microsoft-Windows-UXInit, Order: 4096

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info SYSPRP Name: Microsoft-Windows-COM-DTC-Runtime, Order: 4352

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info SYSPRP Name: Microsoft-Windows-TapiSetup, Order: 4608

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info SYSPRP Name: Microsoft-Windows-TabletPC-InputPersonalization, Order: 4864

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info SYSPRP Name: Microsoft-Windows-UAL-Task, Order: 5120

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info SYSPRP Name: Microsoft-Windows-Compat-GeneralTel, Order: 5376

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info SYSPRP Name: Microsoft-Windows-DeviceCensus-Schedule-ClientServer, Order: 5632

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info SYSPRP ActionPlatform::LaunchModule: Executing method 'Sysprep_Clean_Opk' from C:\Windows\System32\spopk.dll

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info CSI 00000001 Shim considered [l:126]'??\C:\Windows\Servicing\amd64_microsoft-windows-servicingstack_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.20348.2461_none_b1cf3274f985cdc9\wcp.dll' : got STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_NOT_FOUND

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info CSI 00000002 Shim considered [l:123]'??\C:\Windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft-windows-servicingstack_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.20348.2461_none_b1cf3274f985cdc9\wcp.dll' : got STATUS_SUCCESS

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info SYSPRP Sysprep_Clean_Opk:Successfully prepared reserves for sysprep.

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info SYSPRP ActionPlatform::LaunchModule: Successfully executed 'Sysprep_Clean_Opk' from C:\Windows\System32\spopk.dll

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info SYSPRP ActionPlatform::LaunchModule: Executing method 'SqmSysprepCleanup' from sqmapi.dll

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info SYSPRP ActionPlatform::LaunchModule: Successfully executed 'SqmSysprepCleanup' from sqmapi.dll

2024-07-18 09:59:55, Info SYSPRP ActionPlatform::LaunchModule: Executing method 'EvtIntSysprepCleanup' from C:\Windows\System32\wevtapi.dll

2024-07-18 09:59:56, Info SYSPRP ========================================================

2024-07-18 09:59:56, Info SYSPRP === Beginning of a new sysprep run ===

2024-07-18 09:59:56, Info SYSPRP ========================================================

2024-07-18 09:59:56, Info [0x0f004d] SYSPRP The time is now 2024-07-18 09:59:56

2024-07-18 09:59:56, Info [0x0f004e] SYSPRP Initialized SysPrep log at C:\Windows\system32\Sysprep\Panther

2024-07-18 09:59:56, Info [0x0f0054] SYSPRP ValidatePrivileges:User has required privileges to sysprep machine

2024-07-18 09:59:56, Info [0x0f007e] SYSPRP FCreateTagFile:Tag file C:\Windows\system32\Sysprep\Sysprep_succeeded.tag does not already exist, no need to delete anything

2024-07-18 09:59:56, Info [0x0f005f] SYSPRP ParseCommands:Found supported command line option 'RESPECIALIZE'

2024-07-18 09:59:56, Info [0x0f005f] SYSPRP ParseCommands:Found supported command line option 'QUIET'

2024-07-18 09:59:56, Info SYSPRP WinMain:Processing 're-specialize' internal provider request.

2024-07-18 09:59:56, Error [0x0f0073] SYSPRP RunDlls:Not running DLLs; either the machine is in an invalid state or we couldn't update the recorded state, dwRet = 0x1f

2024-07-18 09:59:56, Error SYSPRP WinMain:Hit failure while processing sysprep re-specialize internal providers; hr = 0x8007001f

2024-07-18 09:59:56, Info [0x0f0052] SYSPRP Shutting down SysPrep log

2024-07-18 09:59:56, Info [0x0f004d] SYSPRP The time is now 2024-07-18 09:59:56

2024-07-18 10:01:04, Info SYSPRP ========================================================

2024-07-18 10:01:04, Info SYSPRP === Beginning of a new sysprep run ===

2024-07-18 10:01:04, Info SYSPRP ========================================================

2024-07-18 10:01:04, Info [0x0f004d] SYSPRP The time is now 2024-07-18 10:01:04

2024-07-18 10:01:04, Info [0x0f004e] SYSPRP Initialized SysPrep log at c:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\Panther

2024-07-18 10:01:04, Info [0x0f0054] SYSPRP ValidatePrivileges:User has required privileges to sysprep machine

2024-07-18 10:01:04, Info [0x0f007e] SYSPRP FCreateTagFile:Tag file c:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\Sysprep_succeeded.tag does not already exist, no need to delete anything

2024-07-18 10:01:04, Info [0x0f003d] SYSPRP WinMain:Displaying dialog box for user to choose sysprep mode...

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info [0x0f00d7] SYSPRP WinMain:Pre-validing 'cleanup' internal providers.

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info SYSPRP RunDlls:Running platform actions specified in action file for phase 3

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info SYSPRP SysprepSession::CreateSession: Successfully created instance with action file C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\ActionFiles\Cleanup.xml, and mode <null>

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info SYSPRP SysprepSession::Validate: Beginning action execution from C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\ActionFiles\Cleanup.xml

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info SYSPRP SysprepSession::CreateXPathForSelection: Sysprep mode in registry is <null>

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info SYSPRP SysprepSession::CreateXPathForSelection: Processor architecture in registry is AMD64

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info SYSPRP ActionPlatform::LaunchModule: Executing method 'Sysprep_Clean_Validate_Opk' from C:\Windows\System32\spopk.dll

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info CSI 00000001 Shim considered [l:126]'??\C:\Windows\Servicing\amd64_microsoft-windows-servicingstack_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.20348.2461_none_b1cf3274f985cdc9\wcp.dll' : got STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_NOT_FOUND

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info CSI 00000002 Shim considered [l:123]'??\C:\Windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft-windows-servicingstack_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.20348.2461_none_b1cf3274f985cdc9\wcp.dll' : got STATUS_SUCCESS

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info SYSPRP Sysprep_Clean_Validate_Opk: Successfully validated reserves state on the machine for entering audit mode.

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info SYSPRP ActionPlatform::LaunchModule: Successfully executed 'Sysprep_Clean_Validate_Opk' from C:\Windows\System32\spopk.dll

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info [0x0f00d7] SYSPRP WinMain:Pre-validing 'generalize' internal providers.

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info SYSPRP RunDlls:Running platform actions specified in action file for phase 1

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info SYSPRP SysprepSession::CreateSession: Successfully created instance with action file C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\ActionFiles\Generalize.xml, and mode <null>

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info SYSPRP SysprepSession::Validate: Beginning action execution from C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\ActionFiles\Generalize.xml

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info SYSPRP SysprepSession::CreateXPathForSelection: Sysprep mode in registry is <null>

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info SYSPRP SysprepSession::CreateXPathForSelection: Processor architecture in registry is AMD64

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info SYSPRP ActionPlatform::LaunchModule: Executing method 'SysprepGeneralizeValidate' from C:\Windows\System32\AppxSysprep.dll

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info SYSPRP Entering SysprepGeneralizeValidate (Appx) - validating whether all apps are also provisioned.

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info SYSPRP All appx packages were verified to be inbox or alluser installed.

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info SYSPRP ActionPlatform::LaunchModule: Successfully executed 'SysprepGeneralizeValidate' from C:\Windows\System32\AppxSysprep.dll

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info [0x0f004a] SYSPRP WaitThread:Entering spawned waiting thread

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info [sysprep.exe] UnattendSearchExplicitPath: Found unattend file at [C:\Windows\Panther\unattend.xml]; examining for applicability.

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info [sysprep.exe] UnattendSearchExplicitPath: Found already-processed unattend file for pass [generalize] at [C:\Windows\Panther\unattend.xml]; skipping...

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info [sysprep.exe] UnattendSearchExplicitPath: [C:\Windows\Panther\unattend.xml] does not meet criteria to be used for this unattend pass.

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info SYSPRP SysprepSearchForUnattend: No unattend file was specified or located; skipping unattend generalize pass.

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info [0x0f00ac] SYSPRP WinMain:Processing 'cleanup' external provider request.

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info [0x0f006c] SYSPRP RunDlls:Running DLLs listed in registry for phase 3

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info [0x0f008a] SYSPRP RunRegistryDlls:Retrieved section name for this phase as Cleanup

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info [0x0f008f] SYSPRP RunRegistryDlls:Registry key is empty: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\SysPrepExternal\Cleanup

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info [0x0f00ad] SYSPRP WinMain:Processing 'generalize' extrenal provider request.

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info [0x0f006c] SYSPRP RunDlls:Running DLLs listed in registry for phase 1

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info [0x0f008a] SYSPRP RunRegistryDlls:Retrieved section name for this phase as Generalize

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info [0x0f008f] SYSPRP RunRegistryDlls:Registry key is empty: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\SysPrepExternal\Generalize

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info [0x0f003f] SYSPRP WinMain:Processing 'cleanup' internal provider request.

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info SYSPRP RunDlls:Running platform actions specified in action file for phase 3

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info SYSPRP SysprepSession::CreateSession: Successfully created instance with action file C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\ActionFiles\Cleanup.xml, and mode <null>

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info SYSPRP SysprepSession::Execute: Beginning action execution from C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\ActionFiles\Cleanup.xml

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info SYSPRP SysprepSession::CreateXPathForSelection: Sysprep mode in registry is <null>

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info SYSPRP SysprepSession::CreateXPathForSelection: Processor architecture in registry is AMD64

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info SYSPRP After sorting, components will be excuted in the following order:

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info SYSPRP Name: Microsoft-Windows-Sysprep-SpOpk, Order: 256

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info SYSPRP Name: Microsoft-Windows-SQMApi, Order: 768

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info SYSPRP Name: Microsoft-Windows-EventLog, Order: 1024

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info SYSPRP Name: Microsoft-Windows-LpkSetup, Order: 1280

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info SYSPRP Name: Microsoft-Windows-SystemMaintenanceService-Core, Order: 1536

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info SYSPRP Name: Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup, Order: 2304

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info SYSPRP Name: Microsoft-Windows-ErrorReportingCore, Order: 2560

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info SYSPRP Name: WindowsSearchEngine, Order: 2816

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info SYSPRP Name: Microsoft-Windows-IE-Sysprep, Order: 3072

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info SYSPRP Name: Microsoft-Windows-Sysprep-SpNet, Order: 3328

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info SYSPRP Name: Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler-Service, Order: 3584

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info SYSPRP Name: Microsoft-Windows-Cryptography, Order: 3840

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info SYSPRP Name: Microsoft-Windows-UXInit, Order: 4096

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info SYSPRP Name: Microsoft-Windows-COM-DTC-Runtime, Order: 4352

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info SYSPRP Name: Microsoft-Windows-TapiSetup, Order: 4608

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info SYSPRP Name: Microsoft-Windows-TabletPC-InputPersonalization, Order: 4864

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info SYSPRP Name: Microsoft-Windows-UAL-Task, Order: 5120

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info SYSPRP Name: Microsoft-Windows-Compat-GeneralTel, Order: 5376

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info SYSPRP Name: Microsoft-Windows-DeviceCensus-Schedule-ClientServer, Order: 5632

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info SYSPRP ActionPlatform::LaunchModule: Executing method 'Sysprep_Clean_Opk' from C:\Windows\System32\spopk.dll

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info CSI 00000001 Shim considered [l:126]'??\C:\Windows\Servicing\amd64_microsoft-windows-servicingstack_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.20348.2461_none_b1cf3274f985cdc9\wcp.dll' : got STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_NOT_FOUND

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info CSI 00000002 Shim considered [l:123]'??\C:\Windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft-windows-servicingstack_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.20348.2461_none_b1cf3274f985cdc9\wcp.dll' : got STATUS_SUCCESS

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info SYSPRP Sysprep_Clean_Opk:Successfully prepared reserves for sysprep.

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info SYSPRP ActionPlatform::LaunchModule: Successfully executed 'Sysprep_Clean_Opk' from C:\Windows\System32\spopk.dll

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info SYSPRP ActionPlatform::LaunchModule: Executing method 'SqmSysprepCleanup' from sqmapi.dll

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info SYSPRP ActionPlatform::LaunchModule: Successfully executed 'SqmSysprepCleanup' from sqmapi.dll

2024-07-18 10:01:08, Info SYSPRP ActionPlatform::LaunchModule: Executing method 'EvtIntSysprepCleanup' from C:\Windows\System32\wevtapi.dll

2024-07-18 10:01:55, Error SYSPRP ActionPlatform::LaunchModule: Failure occurred while executing 'EvtIntSysprepCleanup' from C:\Windows\System32\wevtapi.dll; dwRet = 0x53a[gle=0x0000053a]

2024-07-18 10:01:55, Error SYSPRP SysprepSession::ExecuteAction: Failed during sysprepModule operation; dwRet = 0x53a[gle=0x0000053a]

2024-07-18 10:01:55, Error SYSPRP SysprepSession::ExecuteInternal: Error in executing action for Microsoft-Windows-EventLog; dwRet = 0x53a[gle=0x0000053a]

2024-07-18 10:01:55, Error SYSPRP SysprepSession::Execute: Error in executing actions from C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\ActionFiles\Cleanup.xml; dwRet = 0x53a

2024-07-18 10:01:55, Info SYSPRP SysprepSession::Execute: Sysprep mode was not specified, deleting it from registry

2024-07-18 10:01:55, Error SYSPRP RunPlatformActions:Failed while executing Sysprep session actions; dwRet = 0x53a

2024-07-18 10:01:55, Error [0x0f0070] SYSPRP RunDlls:An error occurred while running registry sysprep DLLs, halting sysprep execution. dwRet = 0x53a

2024-07-18 10:01:55, Error [0x0f00a8] SYSPRP WinMain:Hit failure while processing sysprep cleanup providers; hr = 0x8007053a

2024-07-18 10:01:55, Info [0x0f004c] SYSPRP WaitThread:Exiting spawned waiting thread

2024-07-18 10:01:55, Info [0x0f0052] SYSPRP Shutting down SysPrep log

2024-07-18 10:01:55, Info [0x0f004d] SYSPRP The time is now 2024-07-18 10:01:55

2024-07-18 10:03:08, Error SYSPRP ActionPlatform::LaunchModule: Failure occurred while executing 'EvtIntSysprepCleanup' from C:\Windows\System32\wevtapi.dll; dwRet = 0x53a[gle=0x0000053a]

2024-07-18 10:03:08, Error SYSPRP SysprepSession::ExecuteAction: Failed during sysprepModule operation; dwRet = 0x53a[gle=0x0000053a]

2024-07-18 10:03:08, Error SYSPRP SysprepSession::ExecuteInternal: Error in executing action for Microsoft-Windows-EventLog; dwRet = 0x53a[gle=0x0000053a]

2024-07-18 10:03:08, Error SYSPRP SysprepSession::Execute: Error in executing actions from C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\ActionFiles\Cleanup.xml; dwRet = 0x53a

2024-07-18 10:03:08, Info SYSPRP SysprepSession::Execute: Sysprep mode was not specified, deleting it from registry

2024-07-18 10:03:08, Error SYSPRP RunPlatformActions:Failed while executing Sysprep session actions; dwRet = 0x53a

2024-07-18 10:03:08, Error [0x0f0070] SYSPRP RunDlls:An error occurred while running registry sysprep DLLs, halting sysprep execution. dwRet = 0x53a

2024-07-18 10:03:08, Error [0x0f00a8] SYSPRP WinMain:Hit failure while processing sysprep cleanup providers; hr = 0x8007053a

2024-07-18 17:14:15, Info [0x0f004c] SYSPRP WaitThread:Exiting spawned waiting thread

2024-07-18 17:14:15, Info [0x0f0052] SYSPRP Shutting down SysPrep log

2024-07-18 17:14:15, Info [0x0f004d] SYSPRP The time is now 2024-07-18 17:14:15




2024-07-18 09:59:56, Error [0x0f0073] SYSPRP RunDlls:Not running DLLs; either the machine is in an invalid state or we couldn't update the recorded state, dwRet = 0x1f

2024-07-18 09:59:56, Error SYSPRP WinMain:Hit failure while processing sysprep re-specialize internal providers; hr = 0x8007001f

2024-07-18 10:01:55, Error SYSPRP ActionPlatform::LaunchModule: Failure occurred while executing 'EvtIntSysprepCleanup' from C:\Windows\System32\wevtapi.dll; dwRet = 0x53a[gle=0x0000053a]

2024-07-18 10:01:55, Error SYSPRP SysprepSession::ExecuteAction: Failed during sysprepModule operation; dwRet = 0x53a[gle=0x0000053a]

2024-07-18 10:01:55, Error SYSPRP SysprepSession::ExecuteInternal: Error in executing action for Microsoft-Windows-EventLog; dwRet = 0x53a[gle=0x0000053a]

2024-07-18 10:01:55, Error SYSPRP SysprepSession::Execute: Error in executing actions from C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\ActionFiles\Cleanup.xml; dwRet = 0x53a

2024-07-18 10:01:55, Error SYSPRP RunPlatformActions:Failed while executing Sysprep session actions; dwRet = 0x53a

2024-07-18 10:01:55, Error [0x0f0070] SYSPRP RunDlls:An error occurred while running registry sysprep DLLs, halting sysprep execution. dwRet = 0x53a

2024-07-18 10:01:55, Error [0x0f00a8] SYSPRP WinMain:Hit failure while processing sysprep cleanup providers; hr = 0x8007053a

2024-07-18 10:03:08, Error SYSPRP ActionPlatform::LaunchModule: Failure occurred while executing 'EvtIntSysprepCleanup' from C:\Windows\System32\wevtapi.dll; dwRet = 0x53a[gle=0x0000053a]

2024-07-18 10:03:08, Error SYSPRP SysprepSession::ExecuteAction: Failed during sysprepModule operation; dwRet = 0x53a[gle=0x0000053a]

2024-07-18 10:03:08, Error SYSPRP SysprepSession::ExecuteInternal: Error in executing action for Microsoft-Windows-EventLog; dwRet = 0x53a[gle=0x0000053a]

2024-07-18 10:03:08, Error SYSPRP SysprepSession::Execute: Error in executing actions from C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\ActionFiles\Cleanup.xml; dwRet = 0x53a

2024-07-18 10:03:08, Error SYSPRP RunPlatformActions:Failed while executing Sysprep session actions; dwRet = 0x53a

2024-07-18 10:03:08, Error [0x0f0070] SYSPRP RunDlls:An error occurred while running registry sysprep DLLs, halting sysprep execution. dwRet = 0x53a

2024-07-18 10:03:08, Error [0x0f00a8] SYSPRP WinMain:Hit failure while processing sysprep cleanup providers; hr = 0x8007053a

Windows Server
Windows Server
A family of Microsoft server operating systems that support enterprise-level management, data storage, applications, and communications.
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Windows Server Setup
Windows Server Setup
Windows Server: A family of Microsoft server operating systems that support enterprise-level management, data storage, applications, and communications.Setup: The procedures involved in preparing a software program or application to operate within a computer or mobile device.
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