Getting wrong CPU Processor ID with __cpuid() in Win 11 systems

Bhanodaya 0 Reputation points


Hello Friends,


I am facing an issue in getting CPU Processor ID with C++ code.

I used __cpuid() function as below:


#include <iostream>

#include <intrin.h>


int main()


                unsigned __int32  regs[4];


                __cpuid((int *)regs, 1);


                std::cout << "Processor ID: " << std::hex << regs[3] << " 000 " << regs[0];



This code is working in all the Win 10 systems.

But some Win 11 systems are providing EDX data (regs[3] in above code) as BFCBFBFF.

When I use "wmic cpu get processorid" at command prompt, I got BFEBFBFF.


Is it issue with Win 11 system or __cpuid function or any mistake in my code?


Please guide me.

Thanks in advance.




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