depends on the content-type. If json, then pass the value null as the body value. If a form post, then by definition the object is created and the post values applied to it.
In what cases an object passed to action method equals null?
i have an action method like so:
public IActionResult CreateShirt([FromBody] Person person)
// my code
some courses checks if the incoming object is null. but using postman i couldn't make person null no matter what i do with the request : no body , malformed json in the body , content-type header missing or wrong ... etc , in all those cases the either framework throw error but the action method is not executed , or the action is executed but the person is an object with default values. no null ever.
the question: can a passed object like this be null? in what cases? should i check the incoming object for null?
2 answers
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Jerry Fu - MSFT 981 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor
2024-07-22T09:55:30.49+00:00 Hi,
I recommend you check the Request content directly to confirm if the request is null or just there's issue with the model binding.
public IActionResult CreateShirt([FromBody] Person person) { var requestStream = await Request.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync(); string requestBody; using (var reader = new StreamReader(requestStream)) { requestBody = await reader.ReadToEndAsync(); } }