To integrate Azure Event Hubs with Apache Spark, you will need the following Maven coordinates:
- Group ID:
- Artifact ID:
- Version:
This dependency can be included in your project's pom.xml
if you are using Maven:
Before you can connect, ensure you have an Event Hubs namespace created in Azure. You will need the Event Hubs connection string and the fully qualified domain name (FQDN).
You can configure your Spark job to read from and write to Azure Event Hubs using the Kafka API.
val df = spark.readStream
.option("subscribe", "YOUR_TOPIC_NAME")
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "")
.option("kafka.sasl.mechanism", "PLAIN")
.option("", "SASL_SSL")
.option("kafka.sasl.jaas.config", " required username=\"$ConnectionString\" password=\"YOUR_EVENTHUBS_CONNECTION_STRING\";")
.option("", "60000")
.option("", "30000")
.option("", "YOUR_GROUP_ID")
.option("failOnDataLoss", "true")
For writing to Event Hubs:
.option("topic", "YOUR_TOPIC_NAME")
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "")
.option("kafka.sasl.mechanism", "PLAIN")
.option("", "SASL_SSL")
.option("kafka.sasl.jaas.config", " required username=\"$ConnectionString\" password=\"YOUR_EVENTHUBS_CONNECTION_STRING\";")
.option("checkpointLocation", "YOUR_CHECKPOINT_LOCATION")
Links to help you :
- Connect Apache Spark to Azure Event Hubs
- Azure Event Hubs GitHub Repository
- Kafka Connect with Event Hubs
If you have any further questions or need more specific examples, please refer to the links provided or feel free to ask!