Get Task Scheduler log and save into a table

sourav dutta 231 Reputation points


How do I get windows server "Task Scheduler" history log using PowerShell script and save the schedulers details into table in SQL Server.

I want the below information

  1. Task Name
  2. Task Schedule Time
  3. Task Start date and time
  4. Task Finish date and time
  5. Task Next run date and time
  6. Task Completed Successfully or not

Below is table script and required field which I want to save into the table.

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TaskSchedulerDetails](

[Id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

[TaskName] [nvarchar] NULL,

[ScheduleTaskTime] [nvarchar] NULL,

[TaskStartDateTime] [datetime] NULL,

[TaskEndDateTime] [datetime] NULL,

[NextRunDatetime] [datetime] NULL,

[IsTaskSuccess] [bit] NULL,



[Id] ASC



Please help on this.

Thanks in advance.

Windows Server PowerShell
Windows Server PowerShell
Windows Server: A family of Microsoft server operating systems that support enterprise-level management, data storage, applications, and communications.PowerShell: A family of Microsoft task automation and configuration management frameworks consisting of a command-line shell and associated scripting language.
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  1. MotoX80 32,836 Reputation points

    Here is a script that I had that reports on a specific task or all tasks for a given number of hours. You can modify it to write to SQL.

    # Script: TaskResults.ps1
    # Author: Motox80 on Microsoft Technet Forums
    param( $TaskName = '', 
           [switch]$debug)                                    # The task name to monitor
    #start-transcript -path c:\temp\tr.log
    "Analyzing task results for {0} for a period of {1} hours. " -f $taskname, $Hours                    # Time frame in hours
    $tf = $Hours * 3600000
    $elna = @('Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler/Operational')
    #$AllEvents = $null
    if ($AllEvents -eq $null) {
        'Reading events.'
        $AllEvents = @()               # prepare array so we can append to it
        $xml = "<QueryList><Query Id=""0"" Path=""Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler/Operational"">
                <Select Path=""Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler/Operational"">*[System[TimeCreated[timediff(@SystemTime) &lt;= $tf]]]</Select>
        $AllEvents = Get-WinEvent -FilterXml $XML -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue  # append the events (if any)
    else {
        'Reusing event data.'              # when testing with ISE 
    [System.Collections.ArrayList]$AllTasks =@()
    foreach ($event in $Allevents){
        [xml]$xe = $event.ToXml()
        $TName = (($xe.Event.EventData.Data | Where-Object name -eq TaskName).'#text') + ""
        $IID = ($xe.Event.EventData.Data | Where-Object name -eq InstanceId).'#text' + ($xe.Event.EventData.Data | Where-Object name -eq TaskInstanceId).'#text'
        if ($debug) {
            "{0} - {1} - {2}" -f $event.Id, $TName,  $IID
        if(($TName -match $Taskname) -or ($TaskName -eq "")) {
            if ($IID) {
                $cid = $Alltasks | where {$_.ID -eq $IID}
                if ($cid -eq $null) {                               #add a new entry
                    $cid = [PSCustomObject]@{
                            ID       = $IID
                            Name     = $TName
                            Start    = $event.TimeCreated           # default to the event time 
                            End      = $null
                            Trigger  = $null
                            RC       = $null
                    $foo = $Alltasks.add($cid)
                if ($event.Id -eq 100) {
                    $cid.Start = $event.TimeCreated
                if ($event.Id -eq 102) {
                    $cid.End = $event.TimeCreated
                if ($event.Id -eq 107) {
                    $cid.Trigger = 'Time'
                if ($event.Id -eq 110) {
                     $cid.Start = $event.TimeCreated
                if ($event.Id -eq 200) {
                    $cid.Name = $TName 
                if ($event.Id -eq 201) {
                    [long]$rc = ($xe.Event.EventData.Data | Where-Object Name -eq ResultCode).'#text'
                    if ($rc -gt  2147483648) {      # greater than 8000 0000
                        $cid.rc = "{0:X}" -f $rc    # format as hex 
                    } else {
                        $cid.rc =  $rc              # else use decimal 
                if ($event.Id -eq 203) {
                    $cid.Trigger = "Failed"
                    [long]$rc = ($xe.Event.EventData.Data | Where-Object Name -eq ResultCode).'#text'
                    if ($rc -gt  2147483648) {      # greater than 8000 0000
                        $cid.rc = "{0:X}" -f $rc    # format as hex 
                    } else {
                        $cid.rc =  $rc              # else use decimal 
    			#$lastevent = $event 
            } else {    
                  # "{0}  {1}   {2}" -f $event.Id, $event.TimeCreated, ($event.Message + ( " " * 160)).substring(0,160).trim()
    # Now output the reults
    if ($debug) {
        $AllTasks | Format-Table -AutoSize
    $AllTasks | Format-Table -AutoSize -Property Start, End, RC, Trigger, Name
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