TSQL - Wrap HTTP:// or HTTPS:// with HTML Blue and Bold Font Tags from a varchar(max) column

vsslasd 556 Reputation points

Declare @Table table (SCID varchar(17), NoteValue varchar(max))
Insert into @Table (SCID, NoteValue)
('223251','any text can go here, and line feeds, etc. then somewhere in the text there will be one or more urls like this http://abc.com and then another one https://micr.com/asdfsdafsd/asdfasdf and yet another link here https://123.com/asdf/asf34/asdfasdf/asdfasd/asdfasdf and perhaps more....'),
('223251','and here is another http://asdf.com/asdfasdf')

Select * from @Table

--The Issue:

--The output we want then is to wrap a blue bold font around any http:// or https:// lines starting at the "h" and ending at the first white space, in order to turn these hypertexts blue:

<font color = 'blue'><b>


--The End Result should be:

Select * from @Table

121 asdfasdf
223251 any text can go here, and line feeds, etc. then somewhere in the text there will be one or more urls like this <font color = 'blue'><b> http://abc.com</b></font> and then another one <font color = 'blue'><b> https://micr.com/asdfsdafsd/asdfasdf </b></font> and yet another link here <font color = 'blue'><b> https://123.com/asdf/asf34/asdfasdf/asdfasd/asdfasdf </b></font> and perhaps more....
223251 and here is another <font color = 'blue'><b> http://asdf.com/asdfasdf</b></font>

A Microsoft extension to the ANSI SQL language that includes procedural programming, local variables, and various support functions.
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Accepted answer
  1. Yitzhak Khabinsky 25,731 Reputation points

    Here is a solution for SQL Server 2017 onwards.


    INSERT INTO @tbl (SCID, NoteValue) VALUES
    ('121', 'asdfasdf'),
     'any text can go here, and line feeds, etc. then somewhere in the text there will be one or more urls like this http://abc.com and then another one https://micr.com/asdfsdafsd/asdfasdf and yet another link here https://123.com/asdf/asf34/asdfasdf/asdfasd/asdfasdf and perhaps more....'),
    ('223251', 'and here is another http://asdf.com/asdfasdf');
    SELECT *
       , (SELECT STRING_AGG(IIF(LEFT(value, 7) IN ('http://', 'https:/'),
     CONCAT('<font color = "blue"><b>', value, '</b></font>'),value), SPACE(1))
                FROM STRING_SPLIT(NoteValue, SPACE(1))
                ) AS NoteValueModified
    FROM @tbl;

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  1. Yitzhak Khabinsky 25,731 Reputation points

    Another solution that is an answer to Viorel's concerns.
    Trusted XML, XQuery, and FLWOR expression.


    INSERT INTO @tbl (SCID, NoteValue) VALUES
    ('121', 'asdfasdf'),
     'any text can go here, and line feeds, etc. then somewhere in the text there will be one or more urls like this http://abc.com and then another one https://micr.com/asdfsdafsd/asdfasdf and yet another link here https://123.com/asdf/asf34/asdfasdf/asdfasd/asdfasdf and perhaps more....'),
    ('223251', 'and here is another http://asdf.com/asdfasdf');
    -- Method #2
    DECLARE @separator CHAR(1) = SPACE(1);
    SELECT *
        , TRY_CAST('<root><r>' + 
            REPLACE(NoteValue, @separator, '</r><r>') + 
            '</r></root>' AS XML).query('
     for $x in /root/r
     return if (substring(($x/text())[1],1,4) eq "http") then
     concat("<font color=""blue""><b>", ($x/text())[1], "</b></font>")
     else data($x)
     ').value('.','VARCHAR(MAX)') AS NoteValueModified
    FROM @tbl;
    1 person found this answer helpful.