In effect i want to restrict access to every folder and file in the IT Folder and subfolders to any member of the IT Group and Administrators.
You can just set the permissions on the top level folder to what you want and then force those permissions down to every file and folder by selecting the "Replace all child object permission entries...." option.
Two items of note, first, all permissions will be overwritten. Any permissions that were set will be lost. Second, if any folders have inheritance disabled, and administrator group access removed, you will get an error because you won't have write access to update the permissions. That can be fixed if you run into that.
I recommend that you test this on a small folder structure to get an idea of how it works before you try to push this down to all 597 subfolders. Or try it on the first of the 597 folders.
Here is a Powershell script that I called FindUnInheritedPerms.ps1 to report on folders whose permissions are different from their parent folder. This may help you understand what permissions have been set on your folders.
This Powershell script will analyze a given folder structure and look to see what files/folder have uninherited ACL's
Find files/folder where admins/owners have been tweaking security permissions.
For a later Q&A question, I added functionality to generate the icacls commands to grant access to some
account/group on any folder that did not inherit permissions from its parent folder. Note that it only generates
the command, it does not execute it. You need to capture the output, verify it's correctness, and then execute
those commands.
This script accepts these parameters.
-path The path to the folder to be analyzed.
-all If true, analyze files in addition to folders.
-depth How many subfolders to analyze
-grant Generate icacls /grant command for each folder which does not inherit any permissions.
./FindUnInheritedPerms.ps1 -path c:\temp
./FindUnInheritedPerms.ps1 -path c:\temp -all
./FindUnInheritedPerms.ps1 -path c:\temp -depth 2 /grant "BUILTIN\Administrators:(OI)(CI)(F)"
Author: MotoX80 on Microsoft Q&A Forums
Version: 2024-07-26
param (
[string]$path = '', # analyze this folder
[switch]$all, # include files
[string]$grant = '', # generate icacls commands
[string]$depth = '9999999' # folder depth to analyze
if ($path -eq '') {
"Please specify a path to a folder to analyze."
if ($grant -eq '') {
"Base permissions on $path"
Get-Acl -Path $path | select-object -ExpandProperty access | format-table -Property IdentityReference, AccessControlType, FileSystemRights, IsInherited
if ($all) {
$folders = Get-ChildItem -Path $path -depth $depth -recurse
} else {
$folders = Get-ChildItem -Path $path -Directory -depth $depth -recurse
foreach ($folder in $folders) {
$acls = Get-Acl -Path $folder.FullName
if ($acls.AreAccessRulesProtected -eq $true) { # we found a folder that does not inherit permissions.
if ($grant -eq '') {
$folder.FullName # This one
$acls | select-object -ExpandProperty access | format-table -Property IdentityReference, AccessControlType, FileSystemRights, IsInherited
} else {
'icacls "{0}" /grant "{1}"' -f $folder.FullName, $grant
else {
# look for additional acls that were added to the ones inherit3ed from parent folder.
$unique = $acls | select-object -ExpandProperty access | where-Object -property IsInherited -eq $false
if (($unique -ne $null) -and ($grant -eq '')) {
"*{0} (In addition to inherited perms)" -f $folder.FullName # This one
$unique | format-table -Property IdentityReference, AccessControlType, FileSystemRights, IsInherited