Here's how I tested. My goal was to automate procmon tracing all file I/O to C:\Scripts.
Start by removing all current procmon settings.
reg delete "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Sysinternals\Process Monitor" /f
Then run procmon and configure it to "Drop filtered events" and set a filter for "Path contains C:\scripts".
Export configuration to C:\temp\ProcmonConfiguration.pmc
Delete any old backing files and launch procmon.
del C:\Temp\proc.pml
procmon -accepteula -backingfile c:\temp\proc.pml -quiet -loadconfig C:\temp\ProcmonConfiguration.pmc
Do some file I/O.
dir c:\scripts /s
Stop procmon, rename the pml file, and open procmon so I can see the results.
procmon -terminate
ren C:\Temp\proc.pml procsave.pml
procmon -accepteula /openlog C:\Temp\procsave.pml /quiet
As to your multiuser question... I would recommend that you only run one instance of procmon at a time. If you have orphan processes from whatever testing you were doing, then use task manager or taskkill.exe to end them. If they won't go away, then reboot.
taskkill /im procmon.exe /f
taskkill /im procmon64.exe /f