Attempting Azure signalR stress test using jmeter
I have a Free_F1 Azure SignalR and 2 backend servers using it. I know that each server reserves 5 connections by default. Each time we access our website, the number of client connections increases by 1.
Currently, I am using the website so only 1 client is connected.
Now, in order to test out SignalR performance. I want to increase the number of clients connected using JMeter. Connection is established via 2 api calls (negotiate handshakes)
I am replicating these api calls in JMeter. In my chat/negotiate call, I send a deviceId param. On my BE hub configuration, I am accessing this param in order to save the connectionId in the database for this specific device. So, I know that the negotiate scheme is functioning properly because the connectionIds are in fact getting stored in the database
The issue is, I ran the test on 200 devices, all of them finished successfully on JMeter, 200 new connection Ids where stored in the database and no sign of client connections increasing on Azure signalR metrics. It still shows 1 client connected.
I am using the plugin "JMeter WebSocket Samplers by Peter Doornbosch" and I tried WebSocket Single Write sampler using both the existing connection and new connection settings but same output.
I attached the Jmeter plan I am using "Test Plan.txt". Just change extension from .txt to .jmx to open it on jmeter.