Hello @Lasse.H , Stellen Sie sicher, dass das network_service Konto Zugriff auf den privaten Zertifikatschlüssel hat. Please ensure the network_service account has access to the certificate private key.
Dieses Powershell-Skript sollte Ihnen helfen. This Powershell script should help you:
$certStoreLocation="<cert store location>"
$certThumbprint="<cert thumbprint>"
$rule = new-object security.accesscontrol.filesystemaccessrule $userName, $permission, allow
$root = "c:\programdata\microsoft\crypto\rsa\machinekeys"
$l = ls Cert:$certStoreLocation
$l = $l |? {$_.thumbprint -like $certThumbprint}
$l |%{
$keyname = $_.privatekey.cspkeycontainerinfo.uniquekeycontainername
$p = [io.path]::combine($root, $keyname)
if ([io.file]::exists($p)){
$acl = get-acl -path $p
echo $p
set-acl $p $acl
Please let me know if you need more help. If the answer was helpful to you, please accept it and, optionally, provide feedback so that other members in the community can benefit from it.