the method ive found requires connecting your existing repository to devops git repository, importing into that, then disconnecting source control so no more changes get synced from the data factory Source. Then connect your new studio workspace to the said dev ops repository. this seems to work fine although your data factory objects are spread across the workspace studio tabs they do all seem to be present.
synapse studio and existing data factory development
Colin Robinson
Reputation points
I have an existing azure data factory with pipelines data flows linked servers etc. publishing to my synapse DB, Im confused how this integrates with synapse studio. do I need to migrate the data factory to synapse studio and if so How is this accomplished ?
is there a route to publish to Data Factory. ie connect to data factory and publish goes to it ?
Until it launched I thought from comments and blogs on line from the preview that it was an environment like visual studio with "Deployments" ?
Apologies for the multiple questions but they are related.