Newly created AVDs unable to access https URLs
Since the last few days, whenever I'm Provisioning a AVD via Terraform script or manually, it is failing and I get the following error :
Error message in the script : message": "VM has reported a failure when processing extension 'VMAVDXXXXX-6-AVD_DSC' (publisher 'Microsoft.Powershell' and type 'DSC'). Error message: 'The DSC Extension failed to execute: Error downloading after 17 attempts.
Upon RDP into the VM, I find that https URLs are not accessible from within the AVDs and whenever I try to open a link I get attached error. Screenshot 2024-08-15 223409.png
This never used to happen until 3 days ago. Please suggest as I'm not sure what is causing this. This is preventing the machine from installing extensions, agents, AAD join and hostpool registration.