anonymous user
That solution works ,
The details are:
- Boot off a Windows 10 DVD (or USB)reset-windows-10-password-replace-utilman
- When the WINDOWS SETUP screen appears, press SHIFT+F10 to launch a CMD window
- Type ren d:\windows\system32\utilman.exe utilman.exe.bak and press the ENTER key
- Type copy d:\windows\system32\cmd.exe d:\windows\system32\utilman.exe and press the ENTER key
- Exit the Windows 10 setup (just power down)
- Boot normally to your hard drive
- At the Login Screen click the EASE OF ACCESS icon (beside the Power icon in the bottom right corner of the screen). Because of step reset-windows-10-password-create-admin4, this will launch a CMD window
- Type net user test /add and press the ENTER key
- Type net localgroup administrators test /add and press the ENTER key
- Press ALT+F4 to close the CMD prompt
- Click the Power icon (bottom right corner of the screen) and select RESTART
- Sign in as TEST without a password
This created a local administrator named TEST. If you are on a domain use the username .\test and no password.