I'm trying to deploy a few azure resources using a linked template. One of the resources is a deployment script (see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-resource-manager/templates/deployment-script-template?tabs=CLI and example here https://github.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/blob/master/201-aci-sftp-files/azuredeploy.json)
In my case, I'm creating a user assigned managed identity (as required for deployment scripts) early in the linked template, and then passing that on to the deployment script. I get a DeploymentScriptOperationFailed error with a fairly unhelpful message. Something like:
Resource Provider has encountered an internal server error. Diagnostic information: timestamp '2020-12-08 00:06:22Z', request ID '27ec0952-4b16-4be6-8375-f35be1e52fa0', request correlation ID '83e8d152-8ba6-4a5d-857a-67f3d48adf09'.
The deployment keep retrying and subsequent errors give an InternalServerError, with an equally unhelpful message:
Encountered internal server error. Diagnostic information: timestamp '20201208T001103Z', subscription id <hidden>, tracking id '8aa2fcde-f2d9-4901-8193-229ff73078dc', request correlation id '83e8d152-8ba6-4a5d-857a-67f3d48adf09'.
Any ideas?
P.S. I don't know what the appropriate tags are for azure resource manager or deployment scripts...tagging managed identity since that might be involved...