Hi Sakuraime,
It looks like you are missing a semi-colon at the end.
--MERGE (Preview) for Azure Synapse Analytics
[ WITH <common_table_expression> [,...n] ]
[ INTO ] <target_table> [ [ AS ] table_alias ]
USING <table_source> [ [ AS ] table_alias ]
ON <merge_search_condition>
[ WHEN MATCHED [ AND <clause_search_condition> ]
THEN <merge_matched> ] [ ...n ]
[ WHEN NOT MATCHED [ BY TARGET ] [ AND <clause_search_condition> ]
THEN <merge_not_matched> ]
[ WHEN NOT MATCHED BY SOURCE [ AND <clause_search_condition> ]
THEN <merge_matched> ] [ ...n ]
[ OPTION ( <query_hint> [ ,...n ] ) ]
; -- The semi-colon is required, or the query will return syntax error.
Read full documentation here: merge-transact-sql