Does Get-AzureADMSPrivilegedRoleDefinition -ProviderId AzureResources still work?
We are trying to elevate an Azure Resource subscription under Entra Privileged Identity Management (PIM).
The command in example 1 should work to retrieve the list of resources. We get the forbidden error
Get-AzureADMSPrivilegedRoleDefinition -ProviderId AzureResources -ResourceId e5e7d29d-5465-45ac-885f-4716a5ee74b5 -Id ff67e02b-d77b-4588-9f32-e02b7da6539b
This command works fine when using the -ProviderId aadRoles option.
Of course, the next step would be to elevate/activate the subscription, but we have not been able to get that fart to test that step. ;)
Does this command still work for listing Azure Resources (like subscriptions)
What is the correct commands to run in powershell to elevate/activate an Azure resource subscription?
Can this be done without using graph api?