HI @Kalkar, Maithili ,
Welcome to Microsoft Q&A forum.
It looks like you are getting Cannot use (or request) retryable writes with limit=0" when using deleteMany in Azure Cosmos DB Mongo API.
Also, could you please try without limit of that works for you?
Retryable writes does not support bulk unordered writes at this time. If you want to perform bulk writes with retryable writes enabled, perform bulk ordered writes.
Refer: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cosmos-db/mongodb/feature-support-42#retryable-writes
The official MongoDB 3.6 and 4.0-compatible drivers disable retryable writes by default. To explicitly disable retryable writes, specify retryWrites=false
in the connection string for the MongoDB cluster.
Please share sample code and configuration details so that we can reproduce and assist.