Consider creating a measure group off the Customer dimension, joining it to the Time dimension on the first shipment override field.
MDX script needed
Hi Experts,
I need a MDX script for a calculated member in my cube.
The count of "legal entities" where the “FirstShipmentOverride” is populated.
Additionally, the “first shipment override” should be filtered by using the time dimension.
For example in the chart below:
- Customer A.S.T.I. is not counted --> FirstShipmentOverride is null
- Customer Aalbers Wico is counted as 1 --> FirstShipmentOverride date is 2020-08-16 and the filter in the report is set to Time.Year = 2020
- Customer Adilanti is not counted --> FirstShipmentOverride date is 2018-08-07 and the filter in the report is set to Time.Year = 2020
I tried the following .. but it is not working for condition 3 for Adilanti.
CREATE MEMBER CURRENTCUBE.[Measures].[Nr of Reactivated Customer Il]
WHEN [Customer].[First Shipment Override].CURRENTMEMBER.MEMBERVALUE = [Customer].[First Shipment Override].&[1899-12-30T00:00:00] -- Blank First shipment Override
(Existing([Customer].[Legal Entity]),
[Time].[Month - Year].CurrentMember = [First Override Date].[Month - Year].CurrentMember.MEMBERVALUE
3 answers
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Lukas Yu -MSFT 5,821 Reputation points
2020-12-11T07:36:52.197+00:00 Hi,
Did your screenshot is your desire result ? In the screenshot, the Adilanti is not counted and has blank as measure result.
Looks like you haven't specify the 3rd condition in your MDX query , you could modify the query as this :
CREATE MEMBER CURRENTCUBE.[Measures].[Nr of Reactivated Customer Il] AS CASE WHEN ([Customer].[First Shipment Override].CURRENTMEMBER.MEMBERVALUE = [Customer].[First Shipment Override].&[1899-12-30T00:00:00] ) OR ([Customer].[First Shipment Override].CURRENTMEMBER.MEMBERVALUE = [Customer].[First Shipment Override].&[2018-08-07T00:00:00] AND [Customer].[Legal Entities].CURRENTMEMBER.Member_Name = "Adilanti" ) THEN 0 ELSE Count (Filter (Existing([Customer].[Legal Entity]), [Time].[Month - Year].CurrentMember = [First Override Date].[Month - Year].CurrentMember.MEMBERVALUE ) ) END, ISIBLE = 1 , DISPLAY_FOLDER = 'KPI' , ASSOCIATED_MEASURE_GROUP = 'Invoices';
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2020-12-14T14:58:12.36+00:00 Thank you guys for your help.
I have created a new measure group on top of the customer dimension. this measure group further connected with the Customer dimension and time dimension.