Xamarin is just brilliant! : Discuss

Stewart 106 Reputation points

Last year I found some time on my hands.
I decided to learn Xamarin Android, having been an Application Consultant and Project Manager for Social Housing (very sophisticated award wining integrated solutions). I wanted to look under the hood at Mobile Dev.
The best way to learn is to have a target process in mind.
I decided to target Mobile Workforce as a scenario.
Two weeks later I created TraceTasksAds, 6 weeks after that I managed to get the App published on Google Play.

A year on, I am thinking I will create a Planning App and WebService to plan Tasks for a Mobile Workforce.
Again I am learning. I want the App to be free to use from Microsoft Store.
To my absolute amazement the TraceTaskAds Xamarin Forms code:

  1. UWP is part of Xamarin Forms.
  2. Apart from 3 interfaces, my code works in a VS UWP project!!! "Fandabidozey!"

I am as happy as a Woodmouse who has found a full bag of sugar to live in during the Winter months.
It means I am automagically very close to publishing on Microsoft Store.

If there are any Microsoft Architects/Developers out there needing a pep talk, here it is.
"Good job!", as they say in America.

Once I get TracetAskAds published on MS Store, I will start on the Planning Desktop App, and then the MicroServices.


Please add your thoughts here so that the gurus at Microsoft keep up the good work.

Here is my Christmas Card ( or whichever message you prefer to celebrate with)

In my case it is 'Merry Christmas!'. Peace, health, happiness and great coding to all!
Stewart, from England in the United Kingdom

ps to develop onto iPhone requires infrastructure I dont have and cannot afford.

Tagged: Fabulous Xamarin Forms

A Microsoft open-source app platform for building Android and iOS apps with .NET and C#.
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Universal Windows Platform (UWP)
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