Please try to delete the following folders or rename those folders, after that restart computer again to check.
If the issue persists, try to uninstall this update package with the measure below:
• Create folder C:\temp\cab
• Download the update KB4571736 from http://catalog.update.microsoft.com to C:\temp
• Expand the .msu file to extract the .cab file by running below command in CMD:
• expand -F:* C:\temp{.msu file name with extension} C:\temp\cab
• You will get a .cab file from last step. Use the following DISM command to remove package:
Dism /online /remove-package /packagepath:c:\temp\cab{.cab file with extension}
Then we could install the latest update package KB4592468 which released on December 8, 2020 instead of this one, as this one has been replaced by the latest.
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