Seeking Guidance on Best Way To Write A Script To Extract Text/Metadata From Word Doc And Write Into Excel Table
My team has previously used a Google App Script to extract text and metadata (such as comments, tags, and highlighted text) from a Google Doc and display it in a Google Sheet. The script required a manual trigger and utilized a unique identifier to connect the files and operated entirely within the Google Cloud Suite.
We are now aiming to replicate this functionality within the Microsoft Suite, using cloud-based SharePoint for our file storage. Ideally, the script / solution would:
- Find the relevant word doc (stored on sharepoint) based on some manual trigger (I manually enter in a unique ID or even the unique file name)
- Scrape/extract each comment (containing one or more tags), author, comment-associated text, and file name data from the word doc
- Write each comment into a row in excel (separated into columns such as "author, file name, tag 1, tag 2, tag 3, text")
- Repeat steps 1-3 until all comments on the word doc have been extracted and written in excel
Has anyone here tackled a similar problem or have any resources or advice that could assist with this? Any insights or recommendations would be greatly appreciated.