Inconsistent results on corporate iPads-please help
Since the changes in iOS 14 where the user can no longer uninstall a 'required' intune installed app (which is terrible for us but thats a different issue) we have had to wipe a few devices and we are getting inconsistent results. Some of them will no longer install anything from the company portal after a wipe. They still go through the same process and log into the company portal etc and everything is the same (I wiped both of these devices side by side), however some of them dont get the prompt "Comp Portal" Would Like to Send You Notifications. The ones that don't get this prompt then fail to download anything from the company portal, they go through the pending, downloading, failed install steps. The icon for the app never shows up either (as in the dark icon as its is downloaded).
Version Details for 2 that I am testing are below
Model: iPad
Operating system: iOS 14.3
App Store version: 4.12.0
Build version: 51.2011002.000
Authenticator logs uploaded: False
Both devices are logged into Company Portal as myself. I setup both step by step, side by side. I have tried other apps from within the company portal on the effected device and same issue.
What else can I check please?
Thank you,
NOTE: I noticed some native apps on these ipads also dont update (stay as dark icon) until you click on them. At that point it downloads.
NOTE2: By doing an iTunes factory reset I was able to make it prompt me with the Comp Portal notifications pop up but it still doesnt work.