Azure B2C - Phone number Sign up/ Sign In

Harjani, Ashish 201 Reputation points

Hi ,

So we have the Email Address Sign UP option where we can provide email address and password to sign in to user flow.
Similarly, we have the Phone number Sign UP option , where we give phone number and MSFT sends the OTP to that number and that is used to sign in to user flow.

We have a requirement , where we want to have Phone Number as our Sign UP option -but we want to get away from sending OTP , and want users should be able to set their own password just like in case of email Sign UP.

So, is it possible to have Phone Number Sign UP along with self create password for Users ? So they are not sent OTP every time.

Microsoft Entra External ID
Microsoft Entra External ID
A modern identity solution for securing access to customer, citizen and partner-facing apps and services. It is the converged platform of Azure AD External Identities B2B and B2C. Replaces Azure Active Directory External Identities.
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  1. 2020-12-15T20:12:52.793+00:00

    Hello, the easiest is to modify the starter pack LocalAccounts template. Rename all matches for email with phone (Do it case sensitive) and ensure the following elements into your SelfAsserted-LocalAccountSignin-Phone technical profile:

           <Item Key="setting.operatingMode">Username</Item>  

    And in your AAD-UserWriteUsingLogonPhone:

           <PersistedClaim ClaimTypeReferenceId="phoneNumber" PartnerClaimType="signInNames.phoneNumber" />  

    Alternatively, you might add validation technical profile that targets a REST API (developed by you) that will call MS Graph to add the phone as strong verification method (MFA).