UPDATE: I used the maven deployment plugin as suggested here https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service/quickstart-java?tabs=springboot&pivots=java-javase and the application has appeared to be deployed? It would appear my application takes just over 10 minutes to deploy hence the previous time out. However when I try to access the application I get this?
Conflicting messages from azure web app deployment failure
Luis Goate
Reputation points
I'm attempting to deploy a JAR file locally from Azure CLI to my web app instance, however this error message is produced after 10 minutes. I tried to access the runtime logs, as suggested, but they are in accessible.
When I go to the deployment centre, the deployment is categorised as a 'success' for some reason.
When I click 'default domain' in the overview tab to test, the application does not run. A long shot because there is not a lot of information but any idea on what might be causing the deployment process to take so long/ what might be the issue?
Thanks in advance