@Matthew Agosta Apologies for the delayed response in reviewing this post, Yes it is possible that the disconnected status of the 'Common Event Format via AMA' Data Connector is due to the lack of a Data Collection Rule associated with it. A Data Collection Rule is used to specify which logs should be collected by a Data Connector. Without a Data Collection Rule, the Data Connector may not be able to collect any logs, which could result in a disconnected status.
Review this documentation where it states DCR is required to have logs ingested in Sentinel - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/sentinel/connect-cef-syslog-ama?tabs=portal#:~:text=TLS%20%E2%80%93%20syslog%2Dng-,Configure%20the%20data%20connector,-The%20setup%20process
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